An Unplanned Odyssey in Split's Alleyways
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: An Unplanned Odyssey in Split's Alleyways Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Sunce je već visoko na nebu kad Ivana krene u svoju avanturu po gradu Splitu.En: The sun was already high in the sky when Ivana set off on her adventure through the city of Split.Hr: Bio je to topao proljetni dan, i ulice su sijale pod jutarnjim suncem.En: It was a warm spring day, and the streets were gleaming under the morning sun.Hr: Odlučila je istražiti ovaj prelijepi dalmatinski grad, osjetiti njegov puls i doživjeti njegovu energiju.En: She had decided to explore this beautiful Dalmatian city, feel its pulse, and experience its energy.Hr: Ivana je hodala uz more, divila se starijim zgradama i uskim kalama koje su krivudale kroz grad.En: Ivana walked along the sea, admiring the old buildings and narrow alleyways winding through the city.Hr: Izlozi trgovina mamili su ju raznobojnim suvenirima, a mirisi domaće kuhinje pozivali su na degustaciju lokalnih specijaliteta.En: The shop windows enticed her with colorful souvenirs, and the smells of homemade cuisine invited her to taste local specialties.Hr: Ali Ivana nije bila ovdje samo zbog turističkih atrakcija.En: But Ivana wasn't here just for the tourist attractions.Hr: Željela je doživjeti pravu atmosferu Splita, osjetiti ga cijelim tijelom.En: She wanted to experience the real atmosphere of Split, to feel it with her whole body.Hr: Stigavši do Dioklecijanove palače, Ivana se zatekla okružena gomilom turista.En: Arriving at Diocletian's Palace, Ivana found herself surrounded by a crowd of tourists.Hr: Odlučila je skrenuti u jednu od manjih uličica kako bi izbjegla gomilu.En: She decided to turn into one of the smaller streets to avoid the crowd.Hr: Uspješno je manevrirala uskim pločnicima, dok nije skrenula na jedno posebno raskrižje.En: She skillfully maneuvered through narrow sidewalks until she turned into a particular intersection.Hr: Nije bila sigurna da li da krene lijevo ili desno.En: She wasn't sure whether to go left or right.Hr: "Sigurno je ovdje negdje," mislila je, tražeći na svojoj turističkoj mapi neko značajno mjesto.En: "It must be around here somewhere," she thought, searching her tourist map for some significant place.Hr: Krenula je lijevo, gdje su se uličice sve više sužavale.En: She turned left, where the alleyways became narrower.Hr: Bez da je toga bila svjesna, ubrzo se našla u potpuno novom dijelu grada.En: Unaware of it, she soon found herself in a completely new part of the city.Hr: Nedugo nakon toga, naišla je na živahno mjesto, preplavljeno glasnoćom i mirisom mora.En: Shortly after, she stumbled upon a lively place, filled with the sounds and the scent of the sea.Hr: Prije nego što je uopće shvatila što se događa, zatekla se usred lokalnog ribarnica.En: Before she even realized what was happening, she found herself in the middle of a local fish market.Hr: Ljudi su dovikivali jedni drugima, gestikulirajući prema svježim ribama koje su se sjajile na štandovima.En: People were calling out to each other, gesturing towards the fresh fish glistening on the stalls.Hr: U čudu je promatrala kako se trgovci natječu za pažnju kupaca, nudeći najbolju ribu dana.En: In awe, she watched as the vendors competed for customers' attention, offering the best fish of the day.Hr: Ivana je bila zbunjena, ali i očarana tim neobičnim svijetom.En: Ivana was...