Anja's Journey: Market to Festival of Kindness

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Anja's Journey: Market to Festival of Kindness Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Sunce je sjalo iznad Zagreba.En: The sun shone over Zagreb.Hr: Topli ljetni dan bio je na vrhuncu, a ulice su bile pune ljudi.En: The warm summer day was at its peak, and the streets were full of people.Hr: Mirisi cvijeća i hrane širili su se zrakom.En: The scents of flowers and food wafted through the air.Hr: Nedaleko od trga, stajao je sirotište, dom mjestu gdje je Anja živjela.En: Not far from the square stood an orphanage, the place where Anja lived.Hr: Anja je imala samo 12 godina.En: Anja was only 12 years old.Hr: Bila je ljubazna i snalažljiva, ali često nervozna i nesigurna.En: She was kind and resourceful but often nervous and insecure.Hr: Danas je bio poseban dan za Anju.En: Today was a special day for Anja.Hr: Odlučila je otići u kupovinu kako bi sebi kupila novu ljetnu haljinu.En: She had decided to go shopping to buy herself a new summer dress.Hr: Željela je izgledati lijepo na ljetnom festivalu koji će se uskoro održati.En: She wanted to look beautiful at the summer festival that would soon take place.Hr: "Svi će biti tamo," mislila je Anja.En: "Everyone will be there," Anja thought.Hr: "Moram izgledati najbolje.En: "I have to look my best."Hr: "S malo novca u džepu, krenula je prema tržištu.En: With a little money in her pocket, she set out for the market.Hr: Tržište je bilo užurbano.En: The market was bustling.Hr: Ljudi su trgovali, smijali se i razgovarali.En: People were trading, laughing, and talking.Hr: Anja je hodala između štandova, tražeći svoju savršenu haljinu.En: Anja walked between the stalls, looking for her perfect dress.Hr: Na prvoj tezgi vidjela je jednostavnu plavu haljinu.En: At the first stall, she saw a simple blue dress.Hr: Prodavač je bio grub.En: The vendor was gruff.Hr: "To je 100 kuna," rekao je bez osmijeha.En: "That's 100 kunas," he said without a smile.Hr: Anja je provjerila svoj novac.En: Anja checked her money.Hr: Imala je samo 80 kuna.En: She only had 80 kunas.Hr: "Oprostite, nemam dovoljno," rekla je tiho i nastavila dalje.En: "Sorry, I don't have enough," she said quietly and moved on.Hr: Sljedeća tezga nudila je lijepe haljine, ali one su bile još skuplje.En: The next stall offered beautiful dresses, but they were even more expensive.Hr: Anja je osjećala kako joj srce brže kuca.En: Anja felt her heart racing.Hr: Što će učiniti?En: What would she do?Hr: Dok je hodala, ugledala je haljinu svojih snova.En: As she walked, she spotted the dress of her dreams.Hr: Bila je bijela s plavim cvjetovima.En: It was white with blue flowers.Hr: Prodavačica je bila starija gospođa s toplim osmijehom.En: The vendor was an older lady with a warm smile.Hr: "Koliko košta ova haljina?En: "How much for this dress?"Hr: " pitala je Anja s nadom u očima.En: Anja asked, hopeful.Hr: "120 kuna," odgovorila je žena ljubazno.En: "120 kunas," the woman replied kindly.Hr: Anja je ponovno provjerila svoj novac.En: Anja checked her money again.Hr: Nedostajalo joj je 40 kuna.En: She was 40 kunas short.Hr: Teška srca, počela je odlaziti.En: With...