Autumn's Stage: Rising Above Fears in Dubrovnik
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Autumn's Stage: Rising Above Fears in Dubrovnik Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Jesen u Dubrovniku bila je uvijek posebna.En: Autumn in Dubrovnik was always special.Hr: Lišće je šuštalo pod nogama učenika koji su s nestrpljenjem iščekivali godišnju školsku predstavu.En: Leaves rustled under the feet of students eagerly anticipating the annual school play.Hr: Dubrovnik Boarding School, s povijesnim zidinama i pogledom na more, pripremao je svoje učenike za veličanstven događaj.En: Dubrovnik Boarding School, with its historic walls and sea view, was preparing its students for the magnificent event.Hr: Za Anu, Ivanu i Davora pripreme su bile prava emocionalna oluja.En: For Ana, Ivana, and Davor, the preparations were a true emotional storm.Hr: Ana je bila izuzetno talentirana kazališna glumica, ali ju je uvijek proganjao strah od nastupa.En: Ana was an exceptionally talented theater actress, but she was always haunted by stage fright.Hr: U srcu je željela zablistati tijekom predstave, a posebno pred očima obitelji koja je dolazila povodom Svih svetih.En: In her heart, she wished to shine during the performance, especially in front of her family coming for All Saints' Day.Hr: Ivana, uvijek puna samopouzdanja, znala je kako biti snažna uz Anu, no imala je vlastitu borbu.En: Ivana, always full of confidence, knew how to be strong for Ana, but she had her own battle.Hr: Nedavno je izgubila voljenu osobu, i trudila se ostati snažna.En: She had recently lost a loved one and was trying to remain strong.Hr: Davor je bio neumoran radnik, predan učenju, ali osjećao je teret obitelji koja je od njega očekivala savršenstvo.En: Davor was a tireless worker, dedicated to his studies, but felt the weight of his family's expectations for perfection.Hr: Pripreme su bile u punom jeku.En: Preparations were in full swing.Hr: Dramska proba za završnu scenu predstave započela je.En: The dramatic rehearsal for the final scene of the play began.Hr: Ana, osjećajući nesigurnost, nije mogla usredotočiti misli.En: Ana, feeling uncertain, couldn't focus her thoughts.Hr: Osjetila je kako joj srce ubrzano kuca.En: She felt her heart racing.Hr: Odlučila je razgovarati s Ivanom.En: She decided to talk to Ivana.Hr: "Ivana, bojim se da ću razočarati sve," rekla je Ana, nervozno prebirajući prstima rukave uniforme.En: "Ivana, I'm afraid I'll disappoint everyone," said Ana, nervously fidgeting with the sleeves of her uniform.Hr: Ivana ju je nježno zagrlila.En: Ivana gently hugged her.Hr: "Ana, nikada ne podcjenjuj svoju snagu.En: "Ana, never underestimate your strength.Hr: Tu smo za tebe," odgovorila je, nježno joj podižući moral.En: We're here for you," she replied, gently lifting her spirits.Hr: Davor je prišao curama, načuvši njihov razgovor.En: Davor approached the girls, having overheard their conversation.Hr: "Svi ponekad imamo strah.En: "We all feel fear sometimes.Hr: No, zajedno smo jači," dodao je bodreći ju.En: But together, we're stronger," he added, encouraging her.Hr: Vreme je prolazilo, a došla je zadnja proba.En: Time passed, and the final rehearsal arrived.Hr: Ana je izašla na pozornicu, zrak je bio ispunjen iščekivanjem.En: Ana stepped onto the stage, the air filled with anticipation.Hr: U tom trenutku, stala je.En:...