Balancing Passion and Care: Luka's Marine Exploration

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Balancing Passion and Care: Luka's Marine Exploration Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Aquarij na glavnom trgu u Zagrebu bio je svijet života.En: The Aquarij on the main square in Zagreb was a world full of life.Hr: Luka, strastven morski biolog, svakog jutra dolazio je s osmijehom na licu.En: Luka, a passionate marine biologist, came every morning with a smile on his face.Hr: Akvarij je bilo njegovo posebno mjesto.En: The aquarium was his special place.Hr: Tu je proučavao egzotične ribe, tražeći odgovore na svoja znanstvena pitanja.En: There, he studied exotic fish, seeking answers to his scientific questions.Hr: Šum vode i bljeskanje šarenih ribica činilo je prostor čarobnim, ali sada je postajalo problematično.En: The sound of water and the shimmering colorful fish made the space magical, but now it was becoming problematic.Hr: Ivana, Luka je kolegica i prijateljica, s ljubavlju je promatrala njegovu predanost.En: Ivana, Luka's colleague and friend, watched his dedication with affection.Hr: Brinula se za njega, posebno nakon što je čula kako kiše u blizini ribnjaka.En: She worried about him, especially after hearing that it was raining near the pond.Hr: Luka je, međutim, odbacio njene zabrinutosti.En: Luka, however, dismissed her concerns.Hr: Marin, njihov nadglednik, gledao je Luku kroz pragmatične naočale.En: Marin, their supervisor, looked at Luka through pragmatic glasses.Hr: Vidio je kako Luka šepa, očima crvenim od alergije.En: He observed Luka limping, his eyes red from allergies.Hr: "Luka, možda bi trebao uzeti pauzu", rekao je oprezno.En: "Luka, maybe you should take a break," he said cautiously.Hr: Luka je pogledao u pod, želeći izbjeći razgovor.En: Luka looked down, wanting to avoid the conversation.Hr: "Samo još ovaj tjedan.En: "Just this week.Hr: Završavam važan eksperiment," inzistirao je.En: I'm finishing an important experiment," he insisted.Hr: Kako je vrijeme prolazilo, Luki je bivalo sve gore.En: As time passed, Luka's condition worsened.Hr: Ivana je pokušala pokriti njegove obaveze dok bi mu donosila čaj od mente, nadajući se da će mu pomoći s disanjem.En: Ivana tried to cover his duties while bringing him mint tea, hoping it would help him breathe.Hr: Ali nije bilo poboljšanja.En: But there was no improvement.Hr: Kritičan trenutak se dogodio kada je Luka stajao pred tenkom s rijetkom ribom.En: The critical moment happened when Luka was standing in front of the tank with a rare fish.Hr: Odjednom, srušio se na pod.En: Suddenly, he collapsed to the floor.Hr: Ivana je vrisnula, a Marin je odmah dotrčao.En: Ivana screamed, and Marin immediately rushed over.Hr: Luka je bio svjestan, ali iscrpljen.En: Luka was conscious, but exhausted.Hr: "Ne mogu ovako dalje," priznao je konačno, dok mu je Marin pomogao da sjedne.En: "I can't go on like this," he finally admitted, as Marin helped him to sit.Hr: "Zdravlje je važnije od ičega," rekao je Marin čvrsto.En: "Health is more important than anything," Marin said firmly.Hr: Luka je klimnuo, shvaćajući istinitost tih riječi.En: Luka nodded, understanding the truth of those words.Hr: Ivana ga je držala za ruku, dajući podršku.En: Ivana held his hand, offering support.Hr: Nakon nekog vremena odmora, Luka se vratio u akvarij s novim...