Blending Tradition and Innovation: A Fresco's Revival in Rovinj
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Blending Tradition and Innovation: A Fresco's Revival in Rovinj Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Sunce je blistalo nad Rovinjom.En: The sun was shining brightly over Rovinj.Hr: Kroz uske, kaldrmisane ulice Stare gradske jezgre širila se mirisna svježina Jadranskog mora.En: Through the narrow, cobblestone streets of the Old Town, the fresh scent of the Adriatic Sea spread.Hr: Cvijeće je visilo s prozora starih kuća, a crkva svete Eufemije stajala je ponosno.En: Flowers hung from the windows of old houses, and the Church of Saint Euphemia stood proudly.Hr: Unutar crkve, Luka, Iva i Marko radili su na obnovi stare freske.En: Inside the church, Luka, Iva, and Marko were working on the restoration of an old fresco.Hr: Luka je bio temeljiti restaurator umjetnina.En: Luka was a meticulous art restorer.Hr: Iva je bila strastvena studentica povijesti umjetnosti.En: Iva was a passionate art history student.Hr: Marko je bio iskusni lokalni vodič, povezan s poviješću crkve.En: Marko was an experienced local guide, connected to the history of the church.Hr: Luka je imao tajnu ambiciju – želio je postati poznat slikar.En: Luka had a secret ambition—he wanted to become a famous painter.Hr: Iva je željela praktično iskustvo za svoje studije.En: Iva wanted practical experience for her studies.Hr: Marko je, međutim, želio očuvati lokalnu baštinu.En: Marko, however, wanted to preserve the local heritage.Hr: Jednog jutra, Luka je predložio novu tehniku za obnovu freske.En: One morning, Luka proposed a new technique for restoring the fresco.Hr: Marko je odmahne glavom.En: Marko shook his head.Hr: "Ne, to je previše riskantno," reče on.En: "No, that’s too risky," he said.Hr: "Moramo se držati tradicije.En: "We need to stick to tradition."Hr: "Iva je pokušavala biti posrednik.En: Iva tried to be a mediator.Hr: "Možda možemo naći kompromis," rekla je nježno.En: "Maybe we can find a compromise," she said gently.Hr: Luka ju je pogledao sumnjičavo, ali ona je nastavila, "Važno je kombinirati stare i nove metode.En: Luka looked at her skeptically, but she continued, "It’s important to combine old and new methods."Hr: "Marko je bio uporan.En: Marko was persistent.Hr: "Ovo je dio naše povijesti.En: "This is part of our history.Hr: Ne možemo eksperimentirati.En: We can’t experiment."Hr: "No, Luka je bio odlučan.En: But Luka was determined.Hr: "Riskirat ću.En: "I’ll take the risk.Hr: Ako uspijemo, svi će pričati o nama.En: If we succeed, everyone will talk about us."Hr: "Kako su dani prolazili, napetost je rasla.En: As days passed, the tension grew.Hr: Jednog dana, došlo je do krize.En: One day, a crisis erupted.Hr: Dio freske počeo je propadati.En: A part of the fresco started to deteriorate.Hr: Luka je osjetio težinu odgovornosti.En: Luka felt the weight of responsibility.Hr: Marko je bio ljut.En: Marko was furious.Hr: Iva je odmah predložila hitan plan obnove.En: Iva immediately proposed an urgent restoration plan.Hr: "Trebamo zajedno raditi," rekla je odlučno.En: "We need to work together," she said firmly.Hr: "Kombinirajmo metode.En: "Let’s combine the methods.