Brewing Tradition and Innovation in Zagreb's Snowy Streets

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Brewing Tradition and Innovation in Zagreb's Snowy Streets Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: U mirnom kutku Zagreba, Ivana stajala je ispred stare kave pržionice.En: In a quiet corner of Zagreb, Ivana stood in front of the old coffee roastery.Hr: Zrak je bio hladan, ulice prekrivene snijegom.En: The air was cold, the streets covered with snow.Hr: Prozor roasterije bio je zamagljen, ali unutra, toplina svježe pečene kave ispunjavala je prostor.En: The window of the roastery was fogged up, but inside, the warmth of freshly roasted coffee filled the space.Hr: Ivana je voljela ovo mjesto.En: Ivana loved this place.Hr: Njen otac, Marko, otvorio je pržionicu prije više od trideset godina.En: Her father, Marko, had opened the roastery more than thirty years ago.Hr: Bilo je to dijete njegove mašte, a Ivana je sada čuvala njegov san.En: It was the child of his imagination, and now Ivana was guarding his dream.Hr: Ali stvari nisu bile jednostavne.En: But things weren't simple.Hr: Posao je bio usporen, troškovi su rasli.En: Business was slow, costs were rising.Hr: Petar, njezin brat, sjedio je za stolom, pijuckajući kavu.En: Petar, her brother, sat at the table, sipping coffee.Hr: "Ivana", rekao je skeptično, "moramo promijeniti.En: "Ivana," he said skeptically, "we have to change.Hr: Ne možemo više ovako.En: We can't go on like this."Hr: ""Ali ne možemo zaboraviti tradiciju", uzvratila je Ivana, osjećajući težinu odgovornosti na svojim ramenima.En: "But we can't forget tradition," replied Ivana, feeling the weight of responsibility on her shoulders.Hr: Marko, tiho sjedeći u kutu, promatrao ih je.En: Marko, quietly sitting in the corner, watched them.Hr: Bio je ponosan na svoju djecu, ali znao je da je vrijeme da se povuče.En: He was proud of his children, but he knew it was time to step back.Hr: Htio je da njih dvoje nađu svoj put.En: He wanted the two of them to find their way.Hr: Tjednima je Ivana radila u tajnosti na planu.En: For weeks, Ivana had been secretly working on a plan.Hr: Novi strojevi za prženje, suvremeni načini prodaje, ali srce posla ostalo bi isto.En: New roasting machines, modern sales methods, but the heart of the business would stay the same.Hr: Danas je bio dan kada je trebala pokazati svoj plan.En: Today was the day she was to present her plan.Hr: “Ovo je naša budućnost”, rekla je, šireći crteže i brošure po stolu.En: "This is our future," she said, spreading drawings and brochures across the table.Hr: "Zato sam uvjerena da to možemo.En: "That's why I am convinced we can do it."Hr: "Petar je promatrao papire, a zatim sestru.En: Petar looked at the papers, then at his sister.Hr: "Ako si sigurna", rekao je polako, "moramo pokušati.En: "If you're sure," he said slowly, "we have to try."Hr: "Marko, sa suzom ponosa u oku, potapšao je Ivanu po ramenu.En: Marko, with a tear of pride in his eye, patted Ivana on the shoulder.Hr: "Uvijek sam znao da ćeš ti biti ta koja će preuzeti i voditi.En: "I've always known you would be the one to take over and lead."Hr: "Obitelj se složila.En: The family agreed.Hr: Modernizacija će dolaziti, ali srce posla ostaje isto, sjećanje na Marka i njihovu kavu.En: Modernization would come, but the heart of the business remained the same, a memory of...