Capturing Dubrovnik's Magic: A Serendipitous Holiday Photo
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Capturing Dubrovnik's Magic: A Serendipitous Holiday Photo Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Dubrovnik je sjajio kao biser u prosincu.En: Dubrovnik shone like a pearl in December.Hr: Luka i Ivana šetali su kroz Stari Grad, gdje su tisuće svjetlucavih lampica krasile ulice.En: Luka and Ivana strolled through the Stari Grad, where thousands of twinkling lights adorned the streets.Hr: Luka je držao kameru u ruci.En: Luka held a camera in his hand.Hr: Ovaj je put bio odlučan pronaći savršenu fotografiju za svoj profil na društvenim mrežama.En: This time he was determined to find the perfect photograph for his social media profile.Hr: Njegova prijateljica Ivana, strpljiva kao uvijek, smireno ga je pratila.En: His friend Ivana, patient as always, calmly accompanied him.Hr: "Ajmo, ovdje!En: "Let's go, here!Hr: Pogledaj kako ovo svjetlo pada baš lijepo," rekao je Luka pokazavši na mjesto blizu Straduna, pod svjetlima koje su visile poput zvijezda.En: Look how this light falls so beautifully," Luka said, pointing to a spot near Stradun, under lights hanging like stars.Hr: Luka je namjestio kameru.En: Luka adjusted his camera.Hr: Ali svaki put kad bi kliknuo, neki turista bi prošao ispred njih.En: But every time he clicked, a tourist would walk in front of them.Hr: Mali, veliki, parovi, obitelji – svi su se činili da baš tada moraju proći.En: Small, large, couples, families – they all seemed to have to pass by just then.Hr: "Ovo je nevjerojatno," rekao je Luka frustrirano, dok se jedno dijete obuklo kao Djed Božićnjak pojavilo u kadru.En: "This is unbelievable," Luka said frustratedly, as a child dressed as Santa Claus appeared in the frame.Hr: Ivana se nasmijala.En: Ivana laughed.Hr: "Možda da probamo gore na zidinama?En: "Maybe we should try up on the walls?"Hr: " predložila je Ivana.En: Ivana suggested.Hr: "Možda tamo nema toliko ljudi.En: "Maybe there aren't as many people there."Hr: "Otišli su na gradske zidine.En: They went up to the city walls.Hr: Gore se pružao predivan pogled na grad, ali čak i tamo, turisti nisu nestali.En: From there, a beautiful view of the city spread out, but even there, the tourists didn't disappear.Hr: "Možda trebamo biti strpljivi," šapnula je Ivana.En: "Maybe we need to be patient," Ivana whispered.Hr: Luka je uzdahnuo, ali odlučio poslušati.En: Luka sighed but decided to listen.Hr: Stali su u tišini gledajući kako ljudi polako odlaze, gužva se smanjila.En: They stood in silence watching as people slowly left, the crowd thinned.Hr: Luka podiže kameru, Ivana se nasmiješi i klik.En: Luka raised his camera, Ivana smiled, and click.Hr: Savršena fotografija!En: The perfect photograph!Hr: Isprva su svi detalji izgledali baš kako je htio.En: At first, all the details looked just as he wanted.Hr: Dok nije primijetio nešto neobično.En: Until he noticed something unusual.Hr: U desnom kutu, povijesna statua na zidu, kao da nosi kapu Djeda Mraza.En: In the right corner, a historical statue on the wall seemed to be wearing a Santa hat.Hr: Luka se prvo namrštio, ali onda je prasnuo u smijeh.En: Luka frowned at first, but then burst out laughing.Hr: "Pogledaj ovo!En: "Look at this!Hr: Čak se i kip pridružio slavlju.En: Even the statue...