Chasing Butterflies: A Journey of Faith and Friendship

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Chasing Butterflies: A Journey of Faith and Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Pod lišćem u jesenjim bojama, Plitvička jezera blistala su kao svjetlucavi dragulji.En: Under the leaves in autumn colors, the Plitvice Lakes shimmered like sparkling jewels.Hr: Mateo je hodao stazom, oči su mu neprekidno tražile znakove rijetkih leptira.En: Mateo walked along the path, his eyes constantly searching for signs of rare butterflies.Hr: Njegov projekt iz biologije zahtijevao je nešto posebno, a misao o stipendiji činila se kao svjetlo na kraju tunela njegovih sumnji.En: His biology project required something special, and the thought of a scholarship seemed like a light at the end of the tunnel of his doubts.Hr: "Ovdje smo zbog tebe," rekla je Petra, prijateljski ga potapšavši po ramenu.En: "We're here because of you," Petra said, giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder.Hr: Ona je bila srce družine, uvijek spremna pomoći Mateu da vidi ljepotu u prirodi, ali i u sebi.En: She was the heart of the group, always ready to help Mateo see the beauty in nature, but also in himself.Hr: Njihovi koraci odjekivali su tišinom parka.En: Their footsteps echoed in the park's silence.Hr: Voda je lagano šumjela, slapovi su padali u ritmu koji je smirivao dušu.En: The water gently murmured, and the waterfalls fell in a rhythm that soothed the soul.Hr: Mateo se osvrnuo; njegove oči uhvatile su oblak sivog neba, nagovještavajući kišu.En: Mateo glanced back; his eyes caught the cloud of gray sky, hinting at rain.Hr: "Mateo, vrijeme je savršeno za leptire prije kiše," rekla je Petra, vidjevši mu tjeskobu na licu.En: "Mateo, the weather is perfect for butterflies before the rain," Petra said, noticing the anxiety on his face.Hr: Mateo je znao da mora biti brz.En: Mateo knew he had to be quick.Hr: Morali su dalje u šumu, gdje su rijetki leptiri često viđeni.En: They needed to go deeper into the forest, where the rare butterflies were often seen.Hr: No, sumnja je puzala kroz misli.En: Yet, doubt crept through his thoughts.Hr: Što ako ne uspije? Što ako kiša uništi njegove snove?En: What if he didn't succeed? What if the rain washed away his dreams?Hr: Petra je stala ispred njega.En: Petra stood in front of him.Hr: "Vjerujem u tebe, a ti moraš vjerovati u sebe," rekla je, gledajući ga izravno u oči.En: "I believe in you, and you must believe in yourself," she said, looking him directly in the eyes.Hr: Pod njenim pogledom, Mateo je osjetio kako mu se srce polako smiruje.En: Under her gaze, Mateo felt his heart slowly calm down.Hr: Odlučio je.En: He made a decision.Hr: Prkosit će kiši.En: He would defy the rain.Hr: Krenuli su dublje u šumu, gdje je zrak bio svjež, a boje jeseni još intenzivnije.En: They ventured deeper into the forest, where the air was fresh and the colors of autumn even more intense.Hr: I tada, usred lišća, Mateo je ugledao leptira.En: And then, amid the leaves, Mateo saw a butterfly.Hr: Njegove krila bile su blještave, poput komadića neba uhvaćenih u pokretu.En: Its wings were dazzling, like pieces of the sky caught in motion.Hr: "Petra, tamo!" uzviknuo je uzbuđeno.En: "Petra, there!" he exclaimed excitedly.Hr: Brzo, izvukli su fotoaparate baš kad su prve kapi kiše počele padati.En: Quickly, they pulled...