Chasing Golden Dreams: An Autumn Adventure at Plitvička Jezera

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Chasing Golden Dreams: An Autumn Adventure at Plitvička Jezera Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Jesenje sunce sjalo je preko Plitvičkih jezera, pretvarajući lišće u zlatne i narančaste tonove.En: The autumn sun shone over Plitvička jezera, turning the leaves into golden and orange tones.Hr: Ivan i Ana hodali su šumskom stazom.En: Ivan and Ana walked along the forest path.Hr: Ivan, fotograf divljih životinja, bio je uzbuđen.En: Ivan, a wildlife photographer, was excited.Hr: Ana, botaničarka, nosila je bilježnicu i biljni priručnik.En: Ana, a botanist, carried a notebook and a plant guidebook.Hr: "Hajde, Ana," rekao je Ivan, "čuo sam da ovdje živi zlatna vjeverica.En: "Come on, Ana," Ivan said, "I heard there's a golden squirrel living here.Hr: Mogli bismo je pronaći!En: We might find it!"Hr: "Ana je zakolutala očima.En: Ana rolled her eyes.Hr: "Zlatna vjeverica ne postoji, Ivane.En: "A golden squirrel doesn't exist, Ivane.Hr: Skoncentrirajmo se na dokumentiranje biljaka.En: Let's focus on documenting the plants."Hr: " No, Ivan nije lako odustajao.En: But Ivan wasn't one to give up easily.Hr: Svaki put kad bi začuo šuštanje lišća, zaustavio bi se s kamerom u ruci.En: Every time he heard the rustling of leaves, he would stop with his camera in hand.Hr: Prošli su slapove koji su grmjeli, dok je svjetlost prosipala čarobnu atmosferu oko njih.En: They passed by the waterfalls that roared as the light cast a magical atmosphere around them.Hr: Ivan je bio uporan.En: Ivan was persistent.Hr: Udaljili su se od staze, u dubinu šume.En: They moved off the path, deeper into the forest.Hr: Ana je bila skeptična, ali odlučila je dati Ivanu priliku.En: Ana was skeptical but decided to give Ivan a chance.Hr: "Još malo, Ivane, ali bez vjeverice se vraćamo," rekla je.En: "A little longer, Ivane, but without a squirrel, we're heading back," she said.Hr: Napokon, došli su do guste šume gdje je sunce plesalo kroz lišće.En: Finally, they reached the dense forest where the sun danced through the leaves.Hr: Zrak je bio svjež i mirisan.En: The air was fresh and fragrant.Hr: Odjednom, začuo se misteriozni zvuk.En: Suddenly, a mysterious sound was heard.Hr: Ivan se osvrnuo brzo, uzbuđenje je raslo.En: Ivan quickly looked around, excitement growing.Hr: "Jesi čula to, Ana?En: "Did you hear that, Ana?"Hr: " pitao je Ivan s iskrom u očima.En: Ivan asked, a spark in his eyes.Hr: "Sigurno je zlatna vjeverica!En: "It must be the golden squirrel!"Hr: "Ana je uzdahnula, ali je ostala tiha.En: Ana sighed but remained silent.Hr: Prišli su bliže.En: They approached quietly.Hr: Ivan je podigao kameru, spreman uhvatiti trenutak.En: Ivan raised his camera, ready to capture the moment.Hr: Na grani se pojavila obična siva vjeverica, grickajući žir.En: On a branch appeared an ordinary gray squirrel, nibbling on an acorn.Hr: Ivan je slegnuo ramenima, ali ipak nasmiješio se dok je pokazivao Anu fotografiju.En: Ivan shrugged but still smiled as he showed Ana the photograph.Hr: "Pa, nema zlatne, ali ova je lijepa," rekao je Ivan.En: "Well, there's no golden one, but this one is beautiful," Ivan said.Hr: Ana se...