Clumsy Walk Turns Melodic in Zagreb!

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Clumsy Walk Turns Melodic in Zagreb! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Jednog sunčanog jutra u Zagrebu, Marko je hodao brzo ulicom.En: On a sunny morning in Zagreb, Marko was walking quickly down the street.Hr: Bio je kasno za posao.En: He was late for work.Hr: Marko je visok i uvijek smiješan.En: Marko is tall and always cheerful.Hr: Neki ljudi kažu da je Marko nespretan.En: Some people say Marko is clumsy.Hr: I danas, Marko ide brzo, ali ne gleda ispred sebe.En: Today, Marko walks fast, but he doesn't look ahead.Hr: Ana i Ivan sjede na klupi u parku.En: Ana and Ivan are sitting on a bench in the park.Hr: Ana ima crvenu kosu i lijepe oči.En: Ana has red hair and beautiful eyes.Hr: Ona voli pjevati.En: She loves to sing.Hr: Ivan ima gitaru.En: Ivan has a guitar.Hr: On je ulični glazbenik.En: He is a street musician.Hr: Svira lijepu glazbu.En: He plays beautiful music.Hr: Ivan i Ana su prijatelji.En: Ivan and Ana are friends.Hr: Ali, danas Ivan ne svira gitaru.En: But today, Ivan is not playing the guitar.Hr: Ivan ima harmoniku.En: Ivan has an accordion.Hr: Ona je stara i posebna.En: It's old and special.Hr: Harmonika pripada Ivanovom djedu.En: The accordion belonged to Ivan's grandfather.Hr: Ivan je sretan s harmonikom.En: Ivan is happy with the accordion.Hr: On počinje svirati.En: He starts to play.Hr: Marko ne vidi Ivana i harmoniku.En: Marko doesn't see Ivan and the accordion.Hr: Marko ide prebrzo i – bum!En: Marko walks too quickly and – boom!Hr: – udara u Ivana.En: – he bumps into Ivan.Hr: Harmonika pada.En: The accordion falls.Hr: Ivan gleda Marka.En: Ivan looks at Marko.Hr: Marko gleda Ivana.En: Marko looks at Ivan.Hr: Onda, Marko čuje smiješnu glazbu.En: Then, Marko hears funny music.Hr: Harmonika svira, ali ne zvuči dobro.En: The accordion is playing, but it doesn't sound good.Hr: Ana se smije.En: Ana laughs.Hr: Marko se smije.En: Marko laughs.Hr: Ali Ivan nije sretan.En: But Ivan is not happy.Hr: "Moja harmonika!En: "My accordion!"Hr: " viče on.En: he shouts.Hr: "O, ne!En: "Oh no!Hr: Što ćemo sada?En: What do we do now?"Hr: " pita Marko.En: Marko asks.Hr: Marko ima ideju.En: Marko has an idea.Hr: "Idemo popraviti harmoniku!En: "Let's fix the accordion!"Hr: " kaže on.En: he says.Hr: Ana, Marko i Ivan idu tražiti majstora za harmonike.En: Ana, Marko, and Ivan go in search of an accordion master.Hr: Hodaju kroz Zagreb.En: They walk through Zagreb.Hr: Prolaze Trg bana Jelačića, idu pored Katedrale.En: They pass the Ban Jelačić Square, and go by the Cathedral.Hr: Zagreb je lijep, ali oni su zabrinuti.En: Zagreb is beautiful, but they are worried.Hr: Nađu malu radionicu.En: They find a small workshop.Hr: Starac u radionici pogleda harmoniku.En: An old man in the workshop looks at the accordion.Hr: "Mogu ovo popraviti," kaže starac.En: "I can fix this," the old man says.Hr: "Ali treba vremena.En: "But it will take time."Hr: "...