Conquering Fears: Ivana's Journey in the Snowy Peaks

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Conquering Fears: Ivana's Journey in the Snowy Peaks Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Snijeg je lagano padao na planinarski kamp u planinama Hrvatske.En: The snow was gently falling on the hiking camp in the mountains of Hrvatska.Hr: Zrak je bio hladan i oštar, ali djeca iz škole uživala su u tjedan dana daleko od grada.En: The air was cold and sharp, but the children from school were enjoying a week away from the city.Hr: Ivana, Marko i Luka bili su među učenicima na zimskom izletu.En: Ivana, Marko, and Luka were among the students on the winter trip.Hr: U sjeni planinskih vrhova, smještena su drvena skloništa, a snijegom posuta staza oblikovala je izazovni vanjski poligon.En: In the shadow of the mountain peaks, wooden shelters were set up, and the snow-covered path formed a challenging outdoor course.Hr: Ivana je stajala pored poligona, gledajući kako njezini prijatelji završavaju jedno po jedno.En: Ivana stood beside the course, watching as her friends completed it one by one.Hr: Srce joj je ubrzano kucalo od uzbuđenja i straha.En: Her heart was beating fast from excitement and fear.Hr: Osjećala se kao da mora dokazati svojom razredu koliko vrijedi.En: She felt like she had to prove her worth to her class.Hr: Marko, sportski tip, i Luka, smiren i povučen, već su završili stazu s lakoćom.En: Marko, the athletic type, and Luka, calm and reserved, had already finished the course with ease.Hr: Sada je bio red na Ivanu.En: Now it was Ivana's turn.Hr: "Hajde, Ivana, možeš ti to!" viknuo je Marko, dok se veselo smijao.En: "Come on, Ivana, you can do it!" shouted Marko, laughing cheerfully.Hr: Ivana je duboko udahnula, stisnula šake i krenula.En: Ivana took a deep breath, clenched her fists, and started.Hr: Prvi dio staze bio je niz drvenih prepreka.En: The first part of the course was a series of wooden obstacles.Hr: Osjećala je kako joj snijeg škripi pod nogama.En: She felt the snow crunching under her feet.Hr: Pokušala je zadržati ravnotežu.En: She tried to maintain her balance.Hr: Kako je napredovala, zrak je postajao sve hladniji.En: As she progressed, the air grew colder.Hr: Ledene pahuljice nježno su joj padale na lice.En: Icy flakes gently fell on her face.Hr: Ivana je osjetila kako njezina odlučnost jača.En: Ivana felt her determination growing stronger.Hr: Približavala se sredini staze, gdje su se uvjeti pogoršali.En: She approached the middle of the course, where conditions worsened.Hr: Staza je postala skliska, a vjetar joj je šibao lice.En: The path became slippery, and the wind whipped her face.Hr: Osjećajući napetost, Ivana je zastala.En: Feeling tense, Ivana paused.Hr: "Što ako padnem?" pomislila je.En: "What if I fall?" she thought.Hr: No, sjetila se svoje želje da nadvlada strah.En: But she remembered her desire to conquer her fear.Hr: Nastavila je dalje, odlučna da uspije.En: She continued on, determined to succeed.Hr: Pri svakom koraku, tlo je postajalo sve izazovnije.En: With each step, the ground became more challenging.Hr: Na posljednjem dijelu staze, Ivana je osjetila da je sve na njoj.En: In the final part of the course, Ivana felt everything depended on her.Hr: Pred njom je bila opasna ledena površina.En: Before her was a dangerous icy surface.Hr:...