Courage in the Golden Fields: Ivana's Quest to Save the Farm
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Courage in the Golden Fields: Ivana's Quest to Save the Farm Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Ljetna vrućina pritisnula je farmu u Slavoniji.En: The summer heat weighed down on the farm in Slavonia.Hr: Zlatna polja pšenice lepršala su na vjetru, a stare drvene štale i kuće stajale su uz zelena brda i guste šume.En: Golden wheat fields fluttered in the wind, and old wooden barns and houses stood beside green hills and dense forests.Hr: Ivana je prošetala između štala i osjetila miris svježe trave.En: Ivana walked between the barns, smelling the fresh grass.Hr: Na licu je imala ozbiljan izraz.En: She wore a serious expression on her face.Hr: Posljednjih tjedana, stoka je nestajala bez traga.En: In recent weeks, livestock had been disappearing without a trace.Hr: Ivana je odlučila da mora otkriti što se događa.En: Ivana decided she had to find out what was happening.Hr: "Nemaš ti pojma što radiš," rekao je Petar, njezin stariji brat, dok je popravljao ogradu.En: "You have no idea what you're doing," said Petar, her older brother, as he repaired the fence.Hr: "Bolje da se vratiš kući.En: "You'd better go back home."Hr: "Ivana je stisla šake.En: Ivana clenched her fists.Hr: "Ja ću riješiti ovo, Petre.En: "I'll solve this, Petar.Hr: Vidjet ćeš.En: Just watch."Hr: "Te noći, Ivana je uzela lampu i čekala kraj polja.En: That night, Ivana took a lamp and waited by the field.Hr: Slušala je zvukove noći - cvrčke, vjetar kroz lišće.En: She listened to the sounds of the night – crickets, the wind through the leaves.Hr: Odjednom, čula je šuštanje iz šume.En: Suddenly, she heard rustling from the forest.Hr: Srce joj je zalupalo, ali nije odustala.En: Her heart pounded, but she didn't give up.Hr: Pratila je zvuk, korak po korak, prema drveću.En: She followed the sound, step by step, toward the trees.Hr: Srela je neke susjede na putu.En: She met some neighbors on the way.Hr: "Imamo isti problem," rekao je stari Ivan.En: "We have the same problem," said old Ivan.Hr: "Možda je ovo djelo kradljivaca.En: "Maybe it's the work of thieves."Hr: "Ivana je zahvalila i nastavila potragu.En: Ivana thanked him and continued her search.Hr: Duboko u šumi, pronašla je skrivenu stazu.En: Deep in the forest, she found a hidden path.Hr: Pratila je stazu do stare, napuštene štale.En: She followed it to an old, abandoned barn.Hr: Srce joj je treperilo od uzbuđenja i straha.En: Her heart fluttered with excitement and fear.Hr: Unutra, vidjela je nekoliko životinja vezanih u kutu.En: Inside, she saw several animals tied in a corner.Hr: Iznad njih stajala je sjena čovjeka.En: Above them stood the shadow of a man.Hr: "Tko je tamo?En: "Who's there?"Hr: " upitala je Ivana drhtavim glasom.En: Ivana asked in a trembling voice.Hr: "Ti si uporna mala djevojka," rekao je glas iz sjene.En: "You're a persistent little girl," said the voice from the shadows.Hr: Bio je to bivši radnik s farme, nezadovoljan što je izgubio posao.En: It was a former farm worker, disgruntled about losing his job.Hr: "Odmah oslobodi životinje!En: "Release the animals immediately!"Hr: " naredila je Ivana s više hrabrosti nego...