Courage on Stage: Anamarija's Triumph Over Fear
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Courage on Stage: Anamarija's Triumph Over Fear Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Auditorij srednje škole u Splitu bio je ispunjen žamorom.En: The auditorium of the high school in Split was filled with chatter.Hr: Bila je zima, a Božić je bio iza ugla.En: It was winter, and Christmas was just around the corner.Hr: Šarene svjetiljke i sjajni ukrasi visjeli su posvuda.En: Colorful lights and shiny decorations hung everywhere.Hr: U središtu pozornosti bila je Anamarija, mlada i talentirana glumica.En: In the spotlight was Anamarija, a young and talented actress.Hr: Sanjala je o velikoj pozornici, no njezin san često bi prekinuo strah od astme.En: She dreamed of a big stage, but her dreams were often interrupted by the fear of asthma.Hr: Anamarija je stajala iza kulisa, ponovno pregledavajući svoje rečenice.En: Anamarija stood backstage, reviewing her lines once more.Hr: Bila je to važna uloga i ona nije željela da je astma spriječi.En: It was an important role, and she didn't want asthma to stop her.Hr: "Mogu ja to," šapnula je sebi, mada je sumnja svejedno bila prisutna.En: "I can do this," she whispered to herself, although doubt was still present.Hr: Na njezinoj desnoj strani stajao je Tomislav, njezin najbolji prijatelj.En: To her right stood Tomislav, her best friend.Hr: On je znao za Anamarijine strahove i uvijek je bio tu za nju.En: He knew about Anamarija's fears and was always there for her.Hr: "Spremna?" upitao je nježno.En: "Ready?" he asked gently.Hr: Anamarija je klimnula glavom, iako je osjećala kako joj se srce ubrzava.En: Anamarija nodded, though she felt her heart racing.Hr: Dok su se pripremali za generalnu probu, Anamarija je duboko udahnula.En: As they prepared for the dress rehearsal, Anamarija took a deep breath.Hr: "Ovo je samo vježba," pokušala je umiriti sebe.En: "This is just practice," she tried to reassure herself.Hr: No, kako se bližio njezin veliki trenutak, osjetila je kako se zrak u njenim plućima steže.En: But as her big moment approached, she felt the air tighten in her lungs.Hr: Bilo je to kao da su joj pluća zaboravila kako disati.En: It was as if her lungs had forgotten how to breathe.Hr: U trenutku panike, scena se činila daleko i van njezina dosega.En: In a moment of panic, the stage seemed distant and out of her reach.Hr: Anamarija je zastala.En: Anamarija paused.Hr: Publika je bila tiha.En: The audience was silent.Hr: Srce joj je ludo kucalo.En: Her heart was beating wildly.Hr: Tomislav je odmah priskočio, vidjevši strah u njezinim očima.En: Tomislav immediately rushed over, seeing the fear in her eyes.Hr: "Diši, Anamarija. Imaš inhalator, iskoristi ga."En: "Breathe, Anamarija. You have your inhaler, use it."Hr: Anamarija je brzo zgrabila inhalator iz džepa, uzela par dubokih udaha i polako se smirivala.En: Anamarija quickly grabbed the inhaler from her pocket, took a few deep breaths, and gradually calmed down.Hr: Tomislav je stajao pokraj nje, kao stijena.En: Tomislav stood by her, like a rock.Hr: "Možeš li?" pitao je, a njegove riječi bile su poput topline u hladnoj zimskoj noći.En: "Can you do it?" he asked, and his words were like warmth in a cold winter's night.Hr: S novostečenom snagom, Anamarija je ponovno zakoračila na pozornicu.En: With...