Dance of Chance: A Dubrovnik Encounter
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Dance of Chance: A Dubrovnik Encounter Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Sunce se igralo kamenim pločama stare četvrti Dubrovnika dok se Ivana šetala uskim ulicama starog grada, divljajući se mekoj sjajnosti Jadranskog mora što se razlivalo u daljini.En: The sun played on the stone slabs of the old quarter of Dubrovnik as Ivana strolled through the narrow streets of the old town, marveling at the gentle shimmer of the Adriatic Sea spreading in the distance.Hr: Ivana je voljela toplinu ljeta koja je označavala početak sezone festivala, kad ulice postaju pozornica umjetnika svih sorti.En: Ivana loved the warmth of summer, marking the beginning of the festival season when the streets become the stage for artists of all kinds.Hr: Matej, koji je inače bio sramežljiv momak iz susjednog grada, odlučio je taj dan izazvati sebe.En: Matej, who was usually a shy guy from a neighboring town, decided to challenge himself that day.Hr: Stajao je na trgu, potpuno zarobljen u trenutku, slušajući omiljenu melodiju koja je dopirala s nečijeg prozora.En: He stood in the square, completely captivated in the moment, listening to his favorite melody coming from someone's window.Hr: Nije ni shvatio da uz ritam klapske pjesme polako počinje ljuljati glavom, a noge su mu se same pokretale.En: He didn't even realize that, with the rhythm of a traditional Dalmatian a cappella song, he began to slowly sway his head, and his feet started moving on their own.Hr: Ivana, prošavši pored, ugleda Mateja kako se njiše u ritmu.En: Passing by, Ivana saw Matej swaying to the rhythm.Hr: Pomisli kako je on samo još jedan ulični izvođač, dio raznobojne paleta umjetnika što su činili dušu ovog grada.En: She thought he was just another street performer, a part of the colorful palette of artists that made up the soul of the city.Hr: Bez trenutka oklijevanja, Ivana prilazi i počinje plesati s njim, osjećajući kako ih glazba spaja u spontanom duetu.En: Without hesitation, Ivana approached and began to dance with him, feeling the music bringing them together in a spontaneous duet.Hr: Nasmijani prolaznici staju, gledajući ovaj neobičan par.En: Smiling passersby stopped, watching this unusual pair.Hr: Netko čak počinje pljeskati, a Ivana, zarobljena u čaroliji trenutka, ne skida osmijeh sa svog lica, misleći kako je Matej možda neki poznati plesač.En: Someone even started to clap, and Ivana, caught in the magic of the moment, didn't wipe the smile off her face, thinking that Matej might be a famous dancer.Hr: Tek kad pjesma završi, Ivana primijeti kako Matej izgleda zbunjeno, no i on se smije.En: Only when the song ended did Ivana notice that Matej looked confused, but he was also smiling.Hr: Pokloni se okupljenima i pridruži smijehu.En: He bowed to the gathering and joined in the laughter.Hr: "Nisam plesač," kaže on, "ali hvala ti što si učinila ovaj dan posebnim.En: "I'm not a dancer," he said, "but thank you for making this day special."Hr: "Ivana se zacrveni u spoznaji svoje greške, ali bilo joj je drago što njezin neočekivani ples oduševljava okupljene.En: Ivana blushed at the realization of her mistake, but she was glad that her unexpected dance delighted the onlookers.Hr: "Pa, možda bi trebao razmisliti o tome da to postaneš," uzvrati ona, "jer imaš pravi ritam.En: "Well, maybe you should consider becoming one," she retorted, "because you've got the right rhythm."Hr: "Dvoje mladih ljudi su razmijenili...