Dine & Dance: Dubrovnik’s Delightful Mixup
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Dine & Dance: Dubrovnik’s Delightful Mixup Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/dine-dance-dubrovniks-delightful-mixup Story Transcript:Hr: Na jednom suncem okupanom trgu u staroj jezgri Dubrovnika, gdje su uske uličice šaputale priče drevnih dana, troje prijatelja, Luka, Nina i Matea, našli su se u potrazi za pustolovinom u gradu njihovih snova.En: On a sun-drenched square in the old town of Dubrovnik, where narrow streets whispered tales of ancient days, three friends, Luka, Nina, and Matea, found themselves in search of adventure in the city of their dreams.Hr: Luka je bio poznat po svojoj radoznalosti i uvijek je imao nevjerojatan talent za neobične situacije.En: Luka was known for his curiosity and always had an incredible talent for unusual situations.Hr: Onoga dana, kao magneto privučeni čarima lokalne kuhinje, odlučiše se za ručak u jednom od restorana koji su nudili tradicionalne delicije.En: That day, drawn by the charms of the local cuisine, they decided to have lunch at one of the restaurants offering traditional delicacies.Hr: Sjedeći za drvenim stolom pod pergolom obraslom vinovom lozom, Luka je pokušavao prevesti jelovnik koji je bio ispisan elegantnim, ali njemu nerazumljivim, pismom.En: Sitting at a wooden table under a pergola covered in grapevines, Luka tried to translate the menu, which was written in elegant but incomprehensible script to him.Hr: Nina i Matea razgovarale su o povijesti Dubrovnika, dok je Luka sa sve većim zanimanjem promatrao slikovite ilustracije jela.En: Nina and Matea discussed the history of Dubrovnik, while Luka increasingly became engrossed in the picturesque illustrations of the dishes.Hr: "Koliko biste ih voljeli, gospodine?En: "How much would you like, sir?"Hr: " upitao je konobar s bljeskom znatiželje u očima.En: the waiter asked with a glimmer of curiosity in his eyes.Hr: Luka, ne znajući točan prijevod, ali ne želeći biti neodlučan pred konobarom, uzvikne: "Deset, molim!En: Not knowing the exact translation, but not wanting to appear indecisive in front of the waiter, Luka exclaimed, "Ten, please!"Hr: "Konobar kimne i ode, ostavljajući Luku s trijumfalnim osmijehom.En: The waiter nodded and left, leaving Luka with a triumphant smile.Hr: Međutim, Nina i Matea pogledaše jedna drugu, sumnjajući u Lukinu odluku.En: However, Nina and Matea looked at each other, doubting Luka's decision.Hr: Ubrzo, počeo je dolaziti ćevapi, jedna porcija za drugom.En: Soon, the ćevapi started arriving, one portion after another.Hr: Deset obroka, svaki s hrpom ukusno začinjenog mesa, kajmaka, luka i svježeg kruha.En: Ten meals, each with a heap of deliciously seasoned meat, kajmak, onions, and fresh bread.Hr: Luka je blijedo gledao u brdo ćevapa ispred sebe, dok su njegove prijateljice prikrivale smijeh iza šalova.En: Luka stared palely at the pile of ćevapi in front of him, while his friends concealed their laughter behind their scarves.Hr: Po cijeloj terasi restorana proširila se tišina dok su gosti zainteresirano pratili Lukino suočavanje s golemim izazovom.En: A silence spread across the terrace of the restaurant as the guests watched with interest Luka's encounter with the huge challenge.Hr: Lice mu je postajalo sve crvenije od napora.En: His face was becoming increasingly red from the effort.Hr: Nina, bojeći se da Luka neće moći savladati svoju golemu porciju, začula je glazbenike koji su se šetali kakav čine svakoga popodneva.En: Fearing that Luka wouldn't be able to handle...