Discover the Heartbeat of Zagreb: A Day at Dolac Market
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Discover the Heartbeat of Zagreb: A Day at Dolac Market Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Dolac tržnica u Zagrebu je uvijek puna života.En: The Dolac market in Zagreb is always full of life.Hr: Crveni krovovi štandova, miris svježih proizvoda i šum užurbanih ljudi.En: The red roofs of the stalls, the smell of fresh produce, and the buzz of bustling people.Hr: Ana i Ivan odlučili su provesti subotnje jutro u ovoj živopisnoj tržnici.En: Ana and Ivan decided to spend their Saturday morning at this vibrant market.Hr: Sunce je sjalo, a ptice su pjevale.En: The sun was shining, and the birds were singing.Hr: Ana drži popis.En: Ana holds a list.Hr: Piše: "Rajčice, krastavci, šljive, domaći sir, med.En: It says: "Tomatoes, cucumbers, plums, homemade cheese, honey."Hr: " Ivan nosi platnenu torbu.En: Ivan carries a cloth bag.Hr: Prvo idu do štanda s povrćem.En: They first go to the vegetable stall.Hr: Prodavač im nudi svježe rajčice.En: The vendor offers them fresh tomatoes.Hr: Ana uzima jednu i mirisne.En: Ana takes one and smells it.Hr: "Odlično miriše," kaže.En: "Smells great," she says.Hr: Ivan pokušava pregovarati.En: Ivan tries to negotiate.Hr: "Možemo li dobiti popust ako kupimo više?En: "Can we get a discount if we buy more?"Hr: " Prodavač se smiješi.En: The vendor smiles.Hr: "Naravno, gospodine.En: "Of course, sir.Hr: Pametna kupovina!En: Smart shopping!"Hr: "Sljedeći štand je pun domaćeg sira.En: The next stall is full of homemade cheese.Hr: Stara baka nudi sir koji je napravila sama.En: An old lady offers cheese she made herself.Hr: "Ovaj je sir najbolji u gradu," kaže s ponosom.En: "This cheese is the best in town," she says proudly.Hr: Ana uzima komadić i kuša.En: Ana takes a piece and tastes it.Hr: "Ukusan je, Ivan.En: "It’s delicious, Ivan.Hr: Uzet ćemo malo.En: We’ll take some."Hr: "Kroz gužvu, Ana i Ivan dolaze do štanda s medom.En: Through the crowd, Ana and Ivan reach the honey stall.Hr: Pčelar im nudi različite vrste.En: The beekeeper offers them different types.Hr: "Ovaj med je s naših planina," kaže.En: "This honey is from our mountains," he says.Hr: Ana i Ivan biraju teglicu meda.En: Ana and Ivan choose a jar of honey.Hr: Oboje su sretni s kupovinom.En: Both are happy with their purchase.Hr: Dok hodaju među štandovima, Ivan primjećuje štand s voćem.En: As they walk among the stalls, Ivan notices a fruit stand.Hr: "Šljive!En: "Plums!"Hr: " usklikne.En: he exclaims.Hr: Ana se smije.En: Ana laughs.Hr: "Naravno, Ivane.En: "Of course, Ivan.Hr: Kupit ćemo šljive.En: We'll buy plums."Hr: "Na kraju, vreće su pune.En: In the end, their bags are full.Hr: Ruke su im teške, ali osmijesi su široki.En: Their hands are heavy, but their smiles are wide.Hr: "Imamo sve što trebamo," kaže Ana.En: "We have everything we need," says Ana.Hr: "Hvala ti što si došao sa mnom," dodaje Ivan.En: "Thank you for coming with me," Ivan adds.Hr: Dok izlaze iz tržnice, osjećaju se ispunjeni.En: As they leave the market, they feel fulfilled.