Discovering Harmony: A Journey Through Nature and Knowledge
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Discovering Harmony: A Journey Through Nature and Knowledge Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Mateo je zurio kroz prozor male, drvene kolibe u Nacionalnom parku Plitvička jezera.En: Mateo stared through the window of the small wooden cabin in Nacionalni park Plitvička jezera.Hr: Lišće je bilo u bojama sunčeve svjetlosti - zlatno, narančasto, crveno.En: The leaves were the colors of sunlight—gold, orange, red.Hr: Pod njima, tekli su kristalno čisti potoci i vodopadi.En: Beneath them, crystal-clear streams and waterfalls flowed.Hr: Kao budući konzervator, Mateo je bio spreman istražiti svu tu ljepotu za školski projekt o bioraznolikosti.En: As a future conservator, Mateo was ready to explore all this beauty for a school project on biodiversity.Hr: Ivana je sjedila za stolom u kutu sobe, obasjana svjetlom lampe.En: Ivana sat at the table in the corner of the room, illuminated by the light of a lamp.Hr: Njezina bilježnica bila je puna bilješki i knjiga.En: Her notebook was full of notes and books.Hr: Gledala je Matea s oprezom.En: She looked at Mateo cautiously.Hr: "Mateo, mislim da bismo trebali ostati ovdje i koristiti internet za istraživanje," rekla je odlučno.En: "Mateo, I think we should stay here and use the internet for research," she said decisively.Hr: Mateo se okrenuo prema njoj s osmijehom.En: Mateo turned to her with a smile.Hr: "Ivana, moramo vidjeti ovo uživo.En: "Ivana, we need to see this live.Hr: Teren nam može dati odgovore koje knjige ne mogu," rekao je strastveno.En: The field can give us answers that books can't," he said passionately.Hr: "Osjećaj je važan koliko i informacije.En: "Feeling is as important as information."Hr: "Ivana je uzdahnula, ali vidjela je entuzijazam u njegovim očima.En: Ivana sighed, but she saw the enthusiasm in his eyes.Hr: Znala je da neće popustiti.En: She knew he wouldn't relent.Hr: "Dobro, idemo zajedno, ali želim biti nazad prije mraka," pristala je naposljetku.En: "Alright, we'll go together, but I want to be back before dark," she finally agreed.Hr: Krenuli su stazom kroz šumu.En: They set off on a path through the forest.Hr: Zvukovi prirode ispunjavali su zrak.En: The sounds of nature filled the air.Hr: Mateo je pokazivao na biljke i životinje, svaki put objašnjavajući njihovu ulogu u ekosustavu jezera.En: Mateo pointed to plants and animals, each time explaining their role in the lake's ecosystem.Hr: Ivana je počela razumijevati njegovo uzbuđenje.En: Ivana began to understand his excitement.Hr: No, kada su stigli do zabačenog dijela šume, Mateo se zaustavio naglo.En: But when they arrived at a remote part of the forest, Mateo stopped abruptly.Hr: "Pogledaj ovo!En: "Look at this!"Hr: ", rekao je tiho, pokazujući prema maloj ptici koja je sjedila na grani.En: he said quietly, pointing to a small bird sitting on a branch.Hr: Bila je to zaštićena vrsta, rijetko viđena u ovoj regiji.En: It was a protected species, rarely seen in this region.Hr: Ivana je odmah izvadila mobitel i zabilježila lokaciju i njezine karakteristike.En: Ivana immediately took out her phone and recorded the location and its characteristics.Hr: Nakon povratka u kolibu, Mateo i Ivana udružili su snage.En: After returning to the cabin, Mateo and Ivana combined their efforts.