Discovering Heritage: A Family's Journey Through Dubrovnik

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Discovering Heritage: A Family's Journey Through Dubrovnik Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: U srcu ljetne vrućine, sunce je sjalo nad Dubrovnikom, obasjavajući stare kamene ulice.En: In the heart of summer heat, the sun shone over Dubrovnik, illuminating the old stone streets.Hr: Ivan, Ana i Petar polako hodali su Stradunom, poznatom ulicom u Starom Gradu.En: Ivan, Ana, and Petar were slowly walking down Stradun, the famous street in the Old Town.Hr: Bili su uzbuđeni zbog Ljetne igre, veliki festival koji se održavao upravo tog tjedna.En: They were excited about the Summer Games, a big festival taking place that week.Hr: Ivan je nosio staru kartu grada koju je pronašao u kući svoje bake.En: Ivan was carrying an old map of the city that he had found in his grandmother's house.Hr: „Pogledajte ovo,“ rekao je pokazavši Anu i Petru.En: "Look at this," he said, showing Ana and Petar.Hr: „Ovo je karta Dubrovnika iz prošlog stoljeća, koju je baka čuvala.En: "This is a map of Dubrovnik from the last century, which grandma kept."Hr: “Ana je bila fascinirana.En: Ana was fascinated.Hr: „Tata, možemo li slijediti kartu?En: "Dad, can we follow the map?"Hr: “ pitala je.En: she asked.Hr: „Naravno,“ odgovorio je Ivan s osmijehom.En: "Of course," Ivan answered with a smile.Hr: „Krenimo prema Luci.En: "Let's head towards the Harbor."Hr: “Petar je bio najmlađi, ali je hodao ponosno uz svoju stariju sestru.En: Petar was the youngest, but he walked proudly beside his older sister.Hr: „Želim vidjeti sve stare zidine,“ rekao je.En: "I want to see all the old walls," he said.Hr: Stigli su do luke gdje su mogli vidjeti stare brodove zakotvljene uz obalu.En: They arrived at the harbor where they could see old ships docked along the shore.Hr: Festivali su bili u punom zamahu.En: The festivals were in full swing.Hr: Glazba, plesovi i šarene zastave ispunjali su luku.En: Music, dances, and colorful flags filled the harbor.Hr: „Pogledajte!En: "Look!Hr: Plesači!En: Dancers!"Hr: “ povikala je Ana.En: Ana shouted.Hr: Uživali su u različitim predstavama dok su pratili kartu.En: They enjoyed various performances as they followed the map.Hr: Karta ih je vodila do staroga samostana.En: The map led them to an old monastery.Hr: Ulazili su unutra i osjetili hladnoću kamenih zidova.En: They entered and felt the coolness of the stone walls.Hr: „Ovo je mjesto gdje su naši pradjedovi dolazili,“ rekao je Ivan tihim glasom.En: "This is the place where our great-grandparents used to come," Ivan said in a quiet voice.Hr: Sjeli su na klupu ispod starog stabla.En: They sat on a bench under an old tree.Hr: „Pročitao sam o ovom stablu,“ rekao je.En: "I read about this tree," he said.Hr: „Legenda kaže da svaki list nosi priču o našoj obitelji.En: "Legend has it that every leaf carries a story about our family."Hr: “Ana i Petar su pažljivo slušali.En: Ana and Petar listened carefully.Hr: Ivan je nastavio, prisjećajući se starih priča svoje bake.En: Ivan continued, recalling the old stories his grandmother told.Hr: Dijelio je s djecom povijest njihovih predaka, njihov trud i uspjehe.En: He shared with the children the history of their...