Discovering Tesla: A Young Inventor’s Awakening
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Discovering Tesla: A Young Inventor’s Awakening Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: U tehničkom muzeju Nikola Tesla u Zagrebu vladala je živa atmosfera.En: In the Tehničkom muzeju Nikola Tesla in Zagrebu, there was a lively atmosphere.Hr: Grupa učenika šetala je između izložaka, zadivljena izumima velikog genija Tesle.En: A group of students wandered between the exhibits, captivated by the inventions of the great genius Tesle.Hr: Na čelu grupe bio je Luka, dječak od trinaest godina s neugasivom željom da i sam postane izumitelj.En: Leading the group was Luka, a thirteen-year-old boy with an insatiable desire to become an inventor himself.Hr: Uz njega je bila Ivana, njegova najbolja prijateljica.En: By his side was Ivana, his best friend.Hr: Ivana je bila praktična i često je podsjećala Luku na stvarnost.En: Ivana was practical and often reminded Luka of reality.Hr: Bilo je hladno, zimski dan, a učenici su nosili svoje zimske kapute dok su ulazili u muzej.En: It was a cold, winter day, and the students wore their winter coats as they entered the museum.Hr: Luka je bio uzbuđen jer je konačno došlo vrijeme za izlet na koji su dugo čekali.En: Luka was excited because the long-awaited field trip had finally arrived.Hr: Dok su razgledavali zanimljive izloške, Luka se često gubio u svojim mislima, sanjareći o vlastitim izumima.En: As they observed the intriguing exhibits, Luka often lost himself in his thoughts, dreaming about his own inventions.Hr: "Moramo se fokusirati, Luka," rekla je Ivana, primjećujući ga kako nestaje u mislima dok se grupa kretala prema drugom dijelu muzeja.En: "We need to focus, Luka," said Ivana, noticing him drifting into thoughts as the group moved toward another part of the museum.Hr: "Imamo zadatak za školu!En: "We have a school assignment!"Hr: "Ali Luka je okrenuo pogled prema intrigantnom izložku na kojem je pisalo "Tajne Teslinih izuma.En: But Luka turned his gaze to an intriguing exhibit labeled "Secrets of Tesla's Inventions."Hr: " Bio je to ulaz u malu, skriveni sobu.En: It was an entrance to a small, hidden room.Hr: Njegova znatiželja nije mu dala mira.En: His curiosity wouldn't let him rest.Hr: "Ivana, mislim da moram pogledati ovu sobu," rekao je tiho.En: "Ivana, I think I need to see this room," he said quietly.Hr: Dok su se ostali učenici kretali dalje, Luka je odlučio vjerovati svom instinktu.En: While the other students moved on, Luka chose to trust his instinct.Hr: Polako je zakoračio u sobu.En: He slowly stepped into the room.Hr: Unutra su se nalazili stari uređaji, skice i čak nekoliko osobnih predmeta koje je Tesla koristio.En: Inside were old devices, sketches, and even some personal items Tesla had used.Hr: Luka je bio zadivljen.En: Luka was amazed.Hr: Znajući kako je malo vremena imao, brzo je zabilježio nekoliko ideja za svoj školski projekt.En: Knowing he had little time, he quickly jotted down several ideas for his school project.Hr: Osjećao je kako ga preplavljuje inspiracija.En: He felt inspiration overwhelming him.Hr: Shvatio je da njegove ideje mogu biti stvarne.En: He realized that his ideas could be brought to life.Hr: Na kraju je Luka izašao iz sobe, trčeći prema Ivani koja ga je čekala.En: Finally, Luka emerged from the room, running towards Ivana, who was waiting for him.Hr: "Ivana, smislio...