Dubrovnik Dinner: A Recipe for Laughter

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Dubrovnik Dinner: A Recipe for Laughter Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/dubrovnik-dinner-a-recipe-for-laughter Story Transcript:Hr: U starom gradu Dubrovniku, tamo gdje zidovi pričaju priče, živjeli su Luka i Matea.En: In the old city of Dubrovnik, where the walls tell stories, Luka and Matea lived.Hr: Luka je bio vedar mladić sa suncem u kosi, a Matea je bila nježna djevojka sa smiješkom širim od Straduna.En: Luka was a cheerful young man with the sun in his hair, and Matea was a gentle girl with a smile broader than Stradun.Hr: Jednog vrućeg ljetnog dana, odlučili su pronaći osvježenje za svoje grlo i glad u jednoj maloj konobi, poznatoj po tradicionalnim dalmatinskim jelima.En: One hot summer day, they decided to find refreshment for their throats and hunger in a small tavern known for its traditional Dalmatian dishes.Hr: Konoba je mirisala na ružmarin i svježe pečen kruh.En: The tavern smelled of rosemary and freshly baked bread.Hr: Sjedili su za drvenim stolom pod starom lozom.En: They sat at a wooden table under an old vine.Hr: "Naručit ću tjesteninu škampi," nasmiješila se Matea.En: "I'll order the shrimp pasta," Matea smiled.Hr: "I ja također," rekao je Luka.En: "Me too," said Luka.Hr: Konobar, čovjek sa brkovima poput mornara, prišao je zapisati njihovu narudžbu.En: The waiter, a man with a sailor's mustache, approached to take their order.Hr: Ali Luka, u trenutku smetenosti, pogriješi i umjesto tjestenine sa škampima, reče: "Dvije porcije hobotnice ispod peke, molim!En: But in a moment of confusion, Luka, instead of shrimp pasta, said, "Two servings of octopus under the lid, please!"Hr: "Matea ga zbunjeno pogleda, ali nije stigla ništa reći prije nego što je konobar odlutao do kuhinje.En: Matea looked at him confused, but before she could say anything, the waiter wandered off to the kitchen.Hr: Vrijeme je prolazilo, a konoba se ispunjavala veselim razgovorima.En: Time passed, and the tavern filled with lively conversations.Hr: Konobar se vratio noseći dva velika, dimna lonca.En: The waiter returned carrying two large, smoky pots.Hr: Kad je poklopac bio skinut, miris pečene hobotnice se proširio oko njih.En: When the lid was lifted, the smell of roasted octopus spread around them.Hr: "Mislim da je došlo do zabune," Matea je tiho rekla, a konobar ih je začuđeno pogledao.En: "I think there's been a mistake," Matea said quietly, and the waiter looked at them puzzled.Hr: Luka je postao crven kao rajčica.En: Luka turned as red as a tomato.Hr: Pokušavajući popraviti situaciju, htio je objasniti konobaru, ali je tada shvatio kako konobar ne govori engleski, a on je tek učio hrvatski.En: Trying to fix the situation, he wanted to explain to the waiter, but then he realized that the waiter did not speak English, and he had only been learning Croatian.Hr: Uz nespretne geste i s osmijehom, Luka je pokušavao objasniti.En: With awkward gestures and a smile, Luka tried to explain.Hr: Konobar, shvativši napokon što se dogodilo, srdačno se smijao.En: Finally understanding what had happened, the waiter burst into laughter.Hr: "Jedna hobotnica se uvijek može vratiti u more," rekao je konobar i zamijenio Mateinu porciju sa tjesteninom škampi.En: "One octopus can always go back to the sea," the waiter said, exchanging Matea's portion with shrimp pasta.Hr: Luka i Matea su se sada zajedno smijali, nitko nije mogao ostati ozbiljan.En: Luka and Matea...