Dubrovnik Dreams: A Fairytale Wedding Under the Stars
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Dubrovnik Dreams: A Fairytale Wedding Under the Stars Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/dubrovnik-dreams-a-fairytale-wedding-under-the-stars Story Transcript:Hr: U srcu Dubrovnika, u staroj gradskoj jezgri, sunce je polagano zalazilo i zlatilo drevne kamene zidine.En: In the heart of Dubrovnik, in the old town center, the sun was slowly setting, casting a golden hue over the ancient stone walls.Hr: Ana, Ivan i Marija hodali su uskim ulicama, osjećajući toplinu povijesti pod nogama.En: Ana, Ivan, and Marija walked through the narrow streets, feeling the warmth of history beneath their feet.Hr: Došli su na vjenčanje prijatelja.En: They had come for a friend’s wedding.Hr: Zvuci tamburice i smijeh prolazili su zraka.En: The sounds of tamburicas and laughter filled the air.Hr: “Pogledaj ovaj grad,” rekla je Ana, “kao bajka.”En: “Look at this city,” Ana said, “like a fairy tale.”Hr: Prolazili su pored Orlandovog stupa i stigli do crkve sv. Vlaha.En: They passed by Orlando's Column and reached the Church of St. Blaise.Hr: Crkva je bila ukrašena bijelim cvijetnim vijencima.En: The church was adorned with white floral wreaths.Hr: Ivan je primijetio mladence.En: Ivan noticed the bride and groom.Hr: “Lijepa je,” rekao je gledajući mladenku u bijeloj haljini.En: “She’s beautiful,” he said, looking at the bride in her white dress.Hr: Svi su se okupili unutar crkve.En: Everyone gathered inside the church.Hr: Obred je bio jednostavan, ali dirljiv.En: The ceremony was simple but touching.Hr: Svećenik je govorio o ljubavi i odanosti.En: The priest spoke about love and devotion.Hr: Svi su bili dirnuti.En: Everyone was moved.Hr: Nakon ceremonije, gosti su krenuli prema hotelu Imperial na svečanu večeru.En: After the ceremony, the guests headed to the Imperial Hotel for the festive dinner.Hr: U restoranu, dugi stolovi su bili postavljeni s bijelim stolnjacima i svijećnjacima.En: In the restaurant, long tables were set with white tablecloths and candlesticks.Hr: Smijeh, glazba, i veselja su ispunjavali prostoriju.En: Laughter, music, and joy filled the room.Hr: Marija je uzela čašu vina.En: Marija picked up a glass of wine.Hr: “Za ljubav!” rezolutno izjavila.En: “To love!” she declared resolutely.Hr: “Za ljubav!” svi su viknuli i nazdravili.En: “To love!” everyone shouted and toasted.Hr: Ivan se okrenuo prema Ani.En: Ivan turned to Ana.Hr: “Znaš,” rekao je, “ovdje je sve tako posebno. Želim ovakvu ljubav i sreću za nas.”En: “You know,” he said, “everything here is so special. I want this kind of love and happiness for us.”Hr: Ana ga je lagano poljubila.En: Ana kissed him gently.Hr: “I hoćemo,” rekla je s osmijehom.En: “And we will,” she said with a smile.Hr: Te noći, pod zvjezdanim nebom Dubrovnika, prijatelji su plesali, pjevali i slavili ljubav.En: That night, under the starry sky of Dubrovnik, friends danced, sang, and celebrated love.Hr: To je bilo vjenčanje za pamćenje.En: It was a wedding to remember.Hr: Na kraju večeri, dok su se vraćali prema svom smještaju, Ana, Ivan i Marija su zaključili da je prijateljstvo i ljubav ono što život čini posebnim.En: At the end of the evening, as they were returning to their accommodation, Ana, Ivan, and Marija concluded that friendship and love are what make life special.Hr: I miris...