Dubrovnik Whiskers & City Quests

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Dubrovnik Whiskers & City Quests Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/dubrovnik-whiskers-city-quests Story Transcript:Hr: Vjetar je lagano šumio kroz uske ulice starog grada Dubrovnika i nosio miris mora dok je Ivana hodala stazama ispunjenim poviješću.En: The wind gently rustled through the narrow streets of the old city of Dubrovnik, carrying the scent of the sea as Ivana walked along the pathways steeped in history.Hr: Njeni prijatelji Marko i Petra već su iščekivali ovo putovanje i nisu mogli vjerovati da su konačno tu, okruženi kamenim zidinama koje pričaju priče iz davnina.En: Her friends Marko and Petra had been looking forward to this trip and could not believe they were finally there, surrounded by the stone walls that told stories from ancient times.Hr: Dok su šetali, naišli su na stepenice koje vode na zidine.En: As they strolled, they came across the steps leading up to the city walls.Hr: S uzbuđenjem su se počeli pentrati, usput diveći se pogledu na krovove starog grada.En: With excitement, they began to climb, admiring the view of the rooftops of the old city.Hr: Ivana je bila posebno očarana prizorima - svaki kutak Dubrovnika bio je kao iz bajke.En: Ivana was especially enchanted by the sights; every corner of Dubrovnik seemed like something out of a fairytale.Hr: Marko je veselo pokazivao na znamenitosti koje je prepoznavao iz povijesnih knjiga, dok je Petra fotografirala sve što joj je dolazilo pod ruku.En: Marko cheerfully pointed out landmarks he recognized from history books, while Petra snapped pictures of everything in sight.Hr: Prolazeći pored kule Minčeta, Ivana je na trenutak zastala.En: Passing by the Minceta Tower, Ivana paused for a moment.Hr: Primijetila je figuru koja je savršeno mirno sjedila na rubu zida, poput skulpture.En: She noticed a figure sitting perfectly still on the edge of the wall, like a sculpture.Hr: Bila je to mačka, sjajne crne dlake, usredotočena kao da stražari nad gradom.En: It was a cat, with shiny black fur, focused as if keeping watch over the city.Hr: Ivana se tiho približila, misleći da je to statua i znatiželjno se nagnula bliže.En: Ivana quietly approached, thinking it was a statue, and leaned in curiously.Hr: Kameni "kip" je odjednom proizveo šmekav zvuk – zapravo, meow.En: The stone "statue" suddenly emitted a soft sound – in fact, a meow.Hr: Ivana je, prestravljena, skočila unazad, izgubivši ravnotežu i zamalo posrnula, ali Marko je brzo uhvatio za ruku.En: Startled, Ivana jumped back, losing her balance and nearly stumbling, but Marko quickly caught her hand.Hr: Sva trojica prasnuli su u smijeh, a mačka, neuznemirena, samo je prešetala svojim elegantnim korakom dalje po zidu.En: All three burst into laughter, while the cat, unfazed, elegantly strolled along the wall.Hr: Naši avanturistijski prijatelji su nastavili s istraživanjem, sada i s novom anegdotom koju će prepričavati.En: Our adventurous friends continued their exploration, now with a new anecdote to share.Hr: Razgledali su tvrđavu Lovrijenac i Revelin, razmišljajući o svim obljetnicama koje su ta mjesta vidjela.En: They toured the Lovrijenac and Revelin fortresses, pondering the many anniversaries these places had witnessed.Hr: Na kraju dana, umorni ali sretni, sjeli su u jednu od lokalnih konoba da se odmore i prepričaju doživljaje.En: At the end of the day, tired but content, they sat in one of the local taverns to rest and recount their experiences.Hr: Razgovarali su o Ivani i...