Dubrovnik's Daring Quest for Hidden Treasure

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Dubrovnik's Daring Quest for Hidden Treasure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/dubrovniks-daring-quest-for-hidden-treasure Story Transcript:Hr: Sunce je već visoko na nebu kada se Ivana probudila i pogledala kroz prozor svog malog stana u Dubrovniku.En: The sun was already high in the sky when Ivana woke up and looked through the window of her small apartment in Dubrovnik.Hr: More je blistalo kao ogromno blago, a galebovi su preletavali iznad krovova kuća.En: The sea shimmered like a huge treasure, and seagulls flew over the rooftops of houses.Hr: Ivana je odlučila danas popiti kavu u kafiću pokraj mora.En: Ivana decided to have coffee today at a café by the sea.Hr: Ivana je cestom hodala polako, osjećala je miris soli i slušala šum valova.En: Ivana walked slowly along the road, feeling the scent of salt and listening to the sound of waves.Hr: Sjela je u omiljeni kutak kafića, naručila svoju kavu i uzela novine koje je netko zaboravio na susjednom stolu.En: She sat in her favorite corner of the café, ordered her coffee, and picked up a newspaper that someone had forgotten on the neighboring table.Hr: Sunce je grijalo, a Ivana je zamišljeno listala novine kada je primijetila oglas: "Traži se hrabra osoba za tajanstveno putovanje!En: The sun was shining, and Ivana absentmindedly flipped through the paper when she noticed an advertisement: "A brave person is sought for a mysterious journey!"Hr: "Njezino srce je zatrpalo bučno.En: Her heart thumped loudly.Hr: Ivana je oduvijek sanjala o avanturama, ali nikada nije imala priliku za njima.En: Ivana had always dreamed of adventures, but never had the opportunity for them.Hr: Ovo je bila njena šansa!En: This was her chance!Hr: Deklarirala je konobarici, ostavila napojnicu i stisnula oglas u ruci.En: She signaled to the waitress, left a tip, and clutched the advertisement in her hand.Hr: Ivana je stigla do adrese iz oglasa i pokucala na vrata stare kamene zgrade.En: Ivana arrived at the address from the ad and knocked on the door of an old stone building.Hr: Vrata su se otvorila i pred njom je stao čovjek u kapetanskoj uniformi.En: The door opened, and a man in a captain's uniform stood before her.Hr: "Dobrodošli," rekao je, "vi ste odgovor na oglas?En: "Welcome," he said, "are you the response to the advertisement?"Hr: " Ivana je potvrdno kimala glavom.En: Ivana nodded in confirmation.Hr: Kapetan joj je objasnio da traži pomoćnika za putovanje brodom na otok gdje se nalazi tajna pećina.En: The captain explained to her that he was looking for an assistant for a journey by boat to an island where a secret cave was located.Hr: Govorilo se da pećina krije blago, ali nitko nije bio dovoljno hrabar da ga pronađe.En: It was said that the cave held treasure, but no one had been daring enough to find it.Hr: Ivana je osjećala kako se uzbudjenje širi njezinim tijelom.En: Ivana felt the excitement spreading through her body.Hr: Prihvatila je zadatak bez oklijevanja.En: She accepted the task without hesitation.Hr: Sutradan, Ivana i kapetan su isplovili.En: The next day, Ivana and the captain set sail.Hr: More je bilo mirno, a put ih je vodio prema nepoznatom.En: The sea was calm, and their journey led them into the unknown.Hr: Kad su stigli do otoka, usidrili su brod i krenuli prema pećini.En: When they reached the island, they anchored the boat and headed towards the cave.