Dubrovnik's Unmoving Man Sparks Joyful Gaffe

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Dubrovnik's Unmoving Man Sparks Joyful Gaffe Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/dubrovniks-unmoving-man-sparks-joyful-gaffe Story Transcript:Hr: Davno je sunce sijačilo nad kamenim zidinama Starog grada Dubrovnika.En: Long ago, the sun used to shine over the stone walls of the Old Town of Dubrovnik.Hr: Povjetarac je milovao maštovite ulice gdje su ljudi raznih jezika i boja prolazili, dijeleći zajednički osmijeh za čari ovog perla Jadrana.En: The breeze caressed the imaginative streets where people of various languages and colors walked, sharing a common smile for the beauty of this pearl of the Adriatic.Hr: Luka, Ivana i Matea su bili prijatelji od djetinjstva.En: Luka, Ivana, and Matea had been friends since childhood.Hr: Njihova je avantura tog dana počela ispijanjem hladne limunade na terasi omiljenog kafića koje su gledale na živopisne uličice stare gradske jezgre.En: Their adventure that day began with sipping cold lemonade on the terrace of their favorite café, overlooking the picturesque streets of the old town center.Hr: "Idemo se prošetati!" uzviknuo je Luka, oduševljen idejom da istraži više ovog čarobnog mjesta.En: "Let's go for a walk!" exclaimed Luka, thrilled with the idea of exploring more of this magical place.Hr: Njegove tamne oči su blistale od uzbuđenja.En: His dark eyes sparkled with excitement.Hr: Matea i Ivana, s nestrpljenjem obavijene u smijeh, složile su se s njim.En: Matea and Ivana, eagerly enveloped in laughter, agreed with him.Hr: Kroz gužvu turista, lokalnih umjetnika i šarenila suvenira, troje prijatelja su hodali, dijeleći priče i sjećanja.En: Through the crowds of tourists, local artists, and the variety of souvenirs, the three friends walked, sharing stories and memories.Hr: Luka je uvijek bio najzabavniji od njih; uvijek spreman za šalu ili neku ludost.En: Luka was always the most fun-loving of them; always ready for a joke or some mischief.Hr: Kada su ugledali čovjeka-obojenog-u-srebro, koji je stajao savršeno mirno poput prave statue, Luka nije mogao odoljeti.En: When they spotted a man painted in silver, standing perfectly still like a real statue, Luka couldn't resist.Hr: Ostavio je Ivanu i Mateu da čekaju i prišao je uličnom umjetniku.En: He left Ivana and Matea waiting and approached the street artist.Hr: "Kakav talent!" uskliknuo je Luka, udarajući čovjeka po ramenu. "Ti si najbolja statua koju sam ikada vidio!"En: "What talent!" exclaimed Luka, tapping the man on the shoulder. "You are the best statue I've ever seen!"Hr: Ali umjetnik nije reagirao, baš kao prava statua.En: But the artist didn't react, just like a real statue.Hr: Luka, uvjeren da je statua stvarna, nastavio je pričati: "Znaš, ovo je prvi put da sam vidio nekoga da stoji tako dugo bez pomaka. Kako to radiš?"En: Convinced that the statue was real, Luka continued talking: "You know, this is the first time I've seen someone stand so still for so long. How do you do it?"Hr: Njegove riječi su odjeknule oko njega ali nikakav odgovor nije uslijedio.En: His words echoed around him, but no response came.Hr: Ivana i Matea su se počele smijati, gledajući kako Luka ozbiljno razgovara s nepomičnom figurom.En: Ivana and Matea started laughing, watching Luka having a serious conversation with the motionless figure.Hr: Šuškanje i tihi smijeh počeli su se širiti među slučajnim prolaznicima.En: Whispering and gentle laughter began to spread among the random passersby.Hr: Čak se i...