Finding Magic: A Christmas Quest in Split's Hidden Corners
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by

Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Finding Magic: A Christmas Quest in Split's Hidden Corners Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Dioklecijanova palača u Splitu svjetlucala je pod blagim svjetlom božićnih lampica.En: Dioklecijanova palača u Splitu glimmered under the gentle glow of Christmas lights.Hr: U zraku se širio miris kuhanog vina i svježih kolača.En: The air was filled with the scent of mulled wine and fresh pastries.Hr: Na trgu je bila gužva.En: The square was crowded.Hr: Ivana i Luka polako su se probijali kroz gomilu.En: Ivana and Luka were slowly making their way through the crowd.Hr: Ivana je osjetila uzbuđenje.En: Ivana felt excited.Hr: Obitelj se uvijek okupila za Božić i ona je željela pronaći savršen poklon za svoju baku.En: Her family always gathered for Christmas, and she wanted to find the perfect gift for her grandmother.Hr: "Što misliš, Luka?En: "What do you think, Luka?"Hr: " upitala je Ivana, pokazujući na štand pun šarenih šalova.En: Ivana asked, pointing to a stall full of colorful scarves.Hr: Luka se trgnuo iz svojih misli.En: Luka snapped out of his thoughts.Hr: Svojim mislima bio je daleko, brinuo se o svom nadolazećem ispitu.En: His mind was far away, worrying about his upcoming exam.Hr: "Što?En: "What?Hr: Oh, to izgleda u redu," odgovorio je odsutno, pogledi mu nisu ostali na štandu.En: Oh, that looks fine," he responded absently, his gaze not lingering on the stall.Hr: Ivana je uzdahnula.En: Ivana sighed.Hr: Ljudi su se stalno gurali i štandovi su izgledali svi isti.En: People kept pushing and the stalls all looked the same.Hr: Osvrnula se i donijela odluku.En: She looked around and made a decision.Hr: "Luka, idem sama provjeriti ostala mjesta.En: "Luka, I'll go check out the other places on my own.Hr: Nađimo se ovdje za sat vremena?En: Let's meet back here in an hour?"Hr: "Luka se složio, olakšan što može provesti neko vrijeme u miru.En: Luka agreed, relieved to spend some time in peace.Hr: Ivana je krenula prema skrivenijim dijelovima tržnice.En: Ivana headed towards the more hidden parts of the market.Hr: Njezine čizme ostavljale su umorne tragove na bijelom snijegu, a oči su joj blistale od pustolovine.En: Her boots left tired tracks in the white snow, her eyes shining with adventure.Hr: Prešla je niz uske uličice, gdje su zvukovi tržnice postajali tihi.En: She walked through narrow alleys, where the sounds of the market grew quiet.Hr: Nakon nekoliko koraka, Ivana je naišla na mali štand u zakutku.En: After a few steps, Ivana came across a small stall in a corner.Hr: Stariji umjetnik sjedio je iza stola, njegovo lice bilo je osunčano osmijehom.En: An older artist sat behind the table, his face brightened by a smile.Hr: Stol je bio prepun ručno izrađenih drvenih ukrasa.En: The table was filled with handmade wooden ornaments.Hr: Svaki je bio jedinstven, s pažljivo izrađenim detaljima koji su pričali priču.En: Each was unique, with carefully crafted details that told a story.Hr: Jedan ukras je odmah privukao Ivanu.En: One ornament immediately caught Ivana's eye.Hr: To je bila mala ptica s pažljivo urezanim krilima, sjajem koji je odražavao stari hrastov čar.En: It was a small bird with carefully carved wings, a shine reflecting the old oak charm.Hr: Ivana je...