Finding Solace in Togetherness Under the Storm

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Finding Solace in Togetherness Under the Storm Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Ante je uvijek volio biti pripremljen.En: Ante always liked to be prepared.Hr: Bunker pod zemljom bio je njegov bijeg od neizvjesnosti svijeta izvan.En: The underground bunker was his escape from the uncertainty of the world outside.Hr: Svjetlo je bilo slabo, zidovi odarmirani betonom hladni, ali Ante se osjećao sigurno.En: The light was dim, the walls made of reinforced concrete were cold, but Ante felt safe.Hr: Lišće drveća izvan bunkera bilo je žuto i crveno, miris jeseni bio je u zraku, a to je značilo samo jedno - vrijeme je za pripreme za zimu.En: The leaves of the trees outside the bunker were yellow and red, the scent of autumn filled the air, and that could mean only one thing - it was time to prepare for winter.Hr: "Sutra stiže oluja," rekao je Ante Miri i Ivani, dok su sjedili za malim stolom u središtu bunkera.En: "Tomorrow the storm arrives," said Ante to Mira and Ivana as they sat at the small table in the center of the bunker.Hr: "Moramo se pobrinuti da imamo dovoljno svega.En: "We need to make sure we have enough of everything."Hr: "Mira je bila skeptična.En: Mira was skeptical.Hr: "Nismo li već napravili popis?En: "Haven't we already made a list?Hr: Sve bitno je tu," rekla je tiho, gledajući police na kojima su bile uredno složene konzerve i staklenke.En: Everything essential is here," she said quietly, looking at the shelves where cans and jars were neatly arranged.Hr: "Da, ali što ako smo nešto zaboravili?En: "Yes, but what if we've forgotten something?"Hr: " Ante je uzdahnuo, prisjećajući se prošlih vremena kada nije bio spreman.En: Ante sighed, recalling past times when he wasn't prepared.Hr: Ivana je bila optimistična.En: Ivana was optimistic.Hr: "Možda nam treba i nešto da podigne moral?En: "Maybe we need something to lift our spirits?"Hr: " predložila je.En: she suggested.Hr: "Mala kutija keksa ili bilježnica s olovkom, za crtanje ili pisanje?En: "A small box of cookies or a notebook with a pencil for drawing or writing?"Hr: " Ante je zastao, razmišljajući.En: Ante paused, thinking.Hr: "Možda," rekao je konačno.En: "Maybe," he said finally.Hr: "Ali najprije osnovne stvari.En: "But first, the basics."Hr: "Nastavili su dan provjeravajući zalihe.En: They continued the day checking the supplies.Hr: Voda, konzervirana hrana, baterije.En: Water, canned food, batteries.Hr: Sve je bilo tu, ali osjećao je da nešto nedostaje.En: Everything was there, but he felt something was missing.Hr: Kasnije te večeri, dok su sjeli za večeru, Ante je osjetio nelagodu.En: Later that evening, as they sat down for dinner, Ante felt uneasy.Hr: Njegova potreba za kontrolom sada je izgledala kao teret.En: His need for control now seemed like a burden.Hr: U trenutku istine, kada je vani bjesnila oluja, okupljeni oko stola shvatili su da je njihovo zajedništvo najveća sigurnost.En: In a moment of truth, when the storm raged outside, gathered around the table, they realized that their togetherness was their greatest security.Hr: Ivana je iz torbe izvadila kutiju domaćih keksa koje je donijela.En: Ivana took out a box of homemade cookies she had brought from her bag.Hr: "Na, za sve nas," rekla je veselo, dok ju je...