Fired Up Love: A Market Mishap!
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Fired Up Love: A Market Mishap! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Jednog sunčanog jutarnjeg dana, Janko je šetao bučnim Dolcem, najpoznatijim zagrebačkim tržnicom.En: One sunny morning, Janko was walking through the bustling Dolac, the most famous market in Zagreb, with his noisy companion, Dolce.Hr: U ruci je nosio veliku praznu košaru, spremnu za napuniti svježim povrćem.En: In his hand, he carried a large empty basket, ready to be filled with fresh vegetables.Hr: Bio je odlučan pripremiti posebnu večeru za svoju djevojku Anu, koja je obožavala pečene paprike.En: He was determined to prepare a special dinner for his girlfriend Ana, who adored roasted peppers.Hr: Kraj njega, veselo su hodale Ivana, Jankova najbolja prijateljica, i Ana, smijući se priči koju im je Janko upravo ispričao.En: Beside him, Ivana, Janko's best friend, and Ana happily strolled, laughing at the story Janko had just told them.Hr: Uzbuđeni zbog kuhanja, krenuli su prema štandu gdje su se, kao ružičasti biseri, smiješili plodovi crvene paprike.En: Excited about cooking, they headed towards the stand where, like pink pearls, the fruits of red peppers smiled.Hr: "Ove će biti savršene!En: "These will be perfect!"Hr: " uskliknuo je Janko, ne sluteći da greši.En: exclaimed Janko, unaware of his mistake.Hr: Umjesto slatkih paprika, njegova ruka je posegnula za hrpom vatrenih papričica.En: Instead of sweet peppers, his hand reached for a bunch of fiery chili peppers.Hr: Ivana i Ana su razgledavale druge štandove, nisu primijetile Jankovu zabunu.En: Ivana and Ana were browsing other stands and did not notice Janko's mix-up.Hr: Kad je došlo vrijeme za kuhanje, Janko je s ljubavlju pripremao sastojke.En: When it was time to cook, Janko lovingly prepared the ingredients.Hr: Nije primijetio kako vatra papričica potiho tinja, sprema se zapaliti njihove jezike.En: He did not notice how the fire of the peppers quietly smoldered, getting ready to ignite their tongues.Hr: Smijeh je odzvanjao kuhinjom dok su zajedno rezali povrće.En: Laughter filled the kitchen as they cut the vegetables together.Hr: No kad su sjeli za stol i prvi komadići začinjenog jela dotaknuli njihova usta, vatrena stvarnost ih je pogodila.En: But when they sat down at the table and the first bites of the spicy dish touched their mouths, the fiery reality hit them.Hr: Jankove oči su se širom otvorile, Ana je kašljala tražeći vodu, a Ivana se hvatala za grlo, iznenađena snagom papričica.En: Janko's eyes widened, Ana coughed and reached for water, and Ivana grasped her throat, surprised by the strength of the peppers.Hr: "Oprosti, ovo nisam namjeravao!En: "Sorry, I didn't mean to do this!"Hr: " Janko je vikao kroz smijeh, dok su trčali po kuhinji tražeći bilo što da ublaže vatru.En: Janko shouted through laughter as they ran around the kitchen looking for anything to soothe the fire.Hr: Srećom, Ivana se sjetila starog kućnog lijeka i donijela jogurt, koji je konačno smirio nemiran plamen u njihovim ustima.En: Fortunately, Ivana remembered an old home remedy and brought yogurt, which finally calmed the restless flames in their mouths.Hr: Svi zajedno su se smijali Jankovoj pogrešci, dok su na kraju ipak završili večeru sladoledom, obećavši si da će sljedeći puta bolje paziti na šarenilu tržnice.En: They all laughed at Janko's mistake, and in the end, they finished the dinner with ice cream, promising each...