First Day Excitement: New School Adventures in Dubrovnik
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: First Day Excitement: New School Adventures in Dubrovnik Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Ana je brzo koračala.En: Ana walked quickly.Hr: Njezin bijeli ruksak visio je preko ramena.En: Her white backpack hung over her shoulder.Hr: Bio je prvi dan nove školske godine.En: It was the first day of the new school year.Hr: Dubrovnik je blistao pod jutarnjim suncem.En: Dubrovnik glistened under the morning sun.Hr: Zrak je mirisao na more.En: The air smelled of the sea.Hr: Ivan je čekao Anu na uglu ulice.En: Ivan was waiting for Ana at the street corner.Hr: "Dobro jutro, Ana!En: "Good morning, Ana!"Hr: " rekao je veselo.En: he said cheerfully.Hr: Ana je osjetila kako joj srce lupa od uzbuđenja.En: Ana felt her heart pounding with excitement.Hr: Bila je sretna što će napokon vidjeti svoje prijatelje.En: She was happy to finally see her friends.Hr: Na školskom dvorištu, djeca su trčala i igrala se.En: In the schoolyard, children were running and playing.Hr: Petra je stajala ispod stare masline.En: Petra was standing under an old olive tree.Hr: Mnogo nervoznih misli prolazilo je kroz njen um.En: Many nervous thoughts raced through her mind.Hr: Ana je potrčala prema njoj i zagrlila je.En: Ana ran towards her and hugged her.Hr: "Sretna Nova školska godina!En: "Happy New School Year!"Hr: " rekla je Ana.En: Ana said.Hr: "I ja tebi, Ana," rekla je Petra sa smješkom.En: "And to you, Ana," Petra replied with a smile.Hr: Ivan je došao i pridružio se njima.En: Ivan came and joined them.Hr: Tri prijatelja su zajedno krenuli prema učionici.En: The three friends walked together towards the classroom.Hr: Ulazili su u novu avanturu.En: They were entering a new adventure.Hr: Učiteljica je bila nova.En: The teacher was new.Hr: Zvala se gospođa Marija.En: Her name was Mrs. Marija.Hr: "Dobrodošla, djeco," rekla je s toplim osmijehom.En: "Welcome, children," she said with a warm smile.Hr: "Danas ćemo se upoznati.En: "Today we will get to know each other."Hr: " Djeca su sjedila u krug.En: The children sat in a circle.Hr: Svatko je rekao nešto o sebi.En: Each one said something about themselves.Hr: Bilo je puno novih lica.En: There were many new faces.Hr: Ana je podigla ruku.En: Ana raised her hand.Hr: "Ja sam Ana.En: "I am Ana.Hr: Volim čitati knjige i šetati uz more.En: I love reading books and walking by the sea."Hr: " Svi su je pažljivo slušali.En: Everyone listened to her attentively.Hr: Ivan je rekao, "Ja sam Ivan.En: Ivan said, "I am Ivan.Hr: Volim igrati nogomet i okupljati se s prijateljima.En: I love playing soccer and hanging out with friends."Hr: " Ponosno je pogledao Anu i Petru.En: He looked at Ana and Petra proudly.Hr: Kada je Petra došla na red, duboko je udahnula.En: When it was Petra's turn, she took a deep breath.Hr: "Ja sam Petra.En: "I am Petra.Hr: Volim crtati i izrađivati ručne radove.En: I love drawing and making crafts."Hr: " Njene oči su zasjale dok je govorila.En: Her eyes sparkled as she spoke.Hr: Dan je brzo prošao.