From Doubt to Triumph: Artists Unite at Rovinj's Art Festival

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: From Doubt to Triumph: Artists Unite at Rovinj's Art Festival Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Rovinj je bio topao i sunčan tog ljetnog jutra.En: Rovinj was warm and sunny that summer morning.Hr: More je plavilo ispod kamenih zidova starog grada.En: The sea shimmered below the stone walls of the old town.Hr: Ulice su bile prepune turista.En: The streets were filled with tourists.Hr: Svi su željeli vidjeti umjetnički festival.En: Everyone wanted to see the art festival.Hr: Dario, Ivanka i Luka su radili zajedno na festivalu.En: Dario, Ivanka, and Luka worked together on the festival.Hr: Dario je bio talentirani slikar.En: Dario was a talented painter.Hr: Preselio se iz Zagreba kako bi pronašao inspiraciju uz more.En: He moved from Zagreb to find inspiration by the sea.Hr: Svakog dana sjedio je uz more i slikao.En: Every day, he would sit by the sea and paint.Hr: No, Dario je imao sumnje u sebe.En: However, Dario had doubts about himself.Hr: Bojao se da njegovi radovi nisu dovoljno dobri.En: He feared his works weren't good enough.Hr: Ivanka je bila poznata lokalna kiparica.En: Ivanka was a well-known local sculptor.Hr: Njezine skulpture su bile svugdje u gradu.En: Her sculptures were everywhere in the city.Hr: Bila je odlučna i samopouzdana, no bojala se da gubi svoju kreativnost.En: She was determined and confident, but she feared losing her creativity.Hr: Željela je nešto novo, ali nije znala što.En: She wanted something new but didn't know what.Hr: Luka je bio mladi organizator događaja.En: Luka was a young event organizer.Hr: Ovo je bio njegov prvi veliki festival.En: This was his first major festival.Hr: Bio je entuzijastičan, ali i zabrinut.En: He was enthusiastic but also worried.Hr: Želio je da festival bude uspješan, ali se bojao da ga stari umjetnici neće prihvatiti.En: He wanted the festival to be successful but feared that the veteran artists wouldn't accept him.Hr: Jednog popodneva, sunce je jako grijalo, Luka je okupio Daria i Ivanku na glavnom trgu.En: One afternoon, the sun was scorching, and Luka gathered Dario and Ivanka in the main square.Hr: "Moramo pripremiti sve za festival," rekao je Luka.En: "We need to prepare everything for the festival," Luka said.Hr: "Trebamo vašu najbolju umjetnost.En: "We need your best art."Hr: "Dario je gledao svoja platna.En: Dario looked at his canvases.Hr: Bile su prazne.En: They were blank.Hr: "Ne mogu," rekao je tiho.En: "I can't," he said quietly.Hr: "Nisam dobar.En: "I'm not good enough."Hr: "Ivanka je uzdahnula.En: Ivanka sighed.Hr: "I ja imam problema," priznala je.En: "I'm having troubles too," she admitted.Hr: "Ali pokušat ćemo, zajedno.En: "But we'll try, together."Hr: "Luka je klimnuo glavom.En: Luka nodded.Hr: "Imamo samo jedan cilj," rekao je.En: "We have only one goal," he said.Hr: "Festival mora biti uspješan.En: "The festival must be successful."Hr: "Večer prije festivala, velika oluja pogodila je Rovinj.En: The night before the festival, a great storm hit Rovinj.Hr: Jak vjetar i kiša uništili su mnoge umjetničke radove.En: Strong winds and...