From Pain to Gain: Ivan's Journey to Office Wellness

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: From Pain to Gain: Ivan's Journey to Office Wellness Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Snijeg je nježno prekrivao Zagreb, a ured je bio ukrašen lampicama i vijencima koji su se još uvijek svjetlucali od božićne proslave.En: Snow gently covered Zagreb, and the office was adorned with lights and wreaths that still twinkled from the Christmas celebration.Hr: Ivan je sjedio za svojim stolom, pokušavajući ignorirati bol u leđima.En: Ivan sat at his desk, trying to ignore the pain in his back.Hr: Stolica je bila neudobna, a ekran računala udaljen previše naprijed.En: The chair was uncomfortable, and the computer screen was too far forward.Hr: Ali zima je bila vrijeme opuštenija u uredu, a Ivan je mrzio ideju da zatraži slobodno kada je mogao biti produktivan.En: But winter was a more relaxed time in the office, and Ivan hated the idea of asking for time off when he could be productive.Hr: Ana, koja je sjedila za stolom prekoputa njega, primijetila je njegov bolan izraz lica.En: Ana, who sat at the desk across from him, noticed his painful expression.Hr: "Ivane, jesam li ti rekla da se posvetiš tom problemu?En: "Ivane, have I told you to address that issue?"Hr: " upitala je s brigom u glasu.En: she asked with concern in her voice.Hr: "Ma, nije to ništa," Ivan je odgovorio, pokušavajući se nasmiješiti.En: "It's nothing," Ivan replied, trying to smile.Hr: "Preći će kad se malo pokrenem.En: "It will go away once I move a bit."Hr: "Ali bol nije prolazila.En: But the pain didn't go away.Hr: Umjesto toga, postajala je jača.En: Instead, it became stronger.Hr: Na božični blagdan, dok su ostali pričali o svojim obiteljskim okupljanjima, Ivan je bio previše svjestan nelagode koja mu je pulsirala kroz tijelo.En: On Christmas Day, while others talked about their family gatherings, Ivan was overly aware of the discomfort pulsating through his body.Hr: Sljedeći dan, Tijelovo, kancelarija je bila tiha, a Ivan je imao važan sastanak.En: The next day, Corpus Christi, the office was quiet, and Ivan had an important meeting.Hr: Dok su se svi okupljali u konferencijskoj sali, osjetio je kako mu bol probija kičmu, gotovo kao da ga neki nevidljivi teret pritišće.En: As everyone gathered in the conference room, he felt the pain piercing his spine, almost as if some invisible weight was pressing on him.Hr: Sastanak je počeo, ali Ivan nije mogao naći udobnu poziciju.En: The meeting began, but Ivan couldn't find a comfortable position.Hr: Ana je iz kuta oka primijetila kako se pomiče na stolici i prestaje bilježiti.En: Ana noticed out of the corner of her eye how he shifted in his chair and stopped taking notes.Hr: "Ivane, ovo je ozbiljno," šaptala je.En: "Ivane, this is serious," she whispered.Hr: "Ako sada ne odeš doktoru, lošije će biti.En: "If you don't go to the doctor now, it will get worse."Hr: "Konačno, bol je postala nesnosna.En: Finally, the pain became unbearable.Hr: Na pola sastanka, Ivan je prekinuo razgovor šefa.En: In the middle of the meeting, Ivan interrupted his boss's conversation.Hr: "Žao mi je, moram otići," priznao je.En: "I'm sorry, I have to leave," he admitted.Hr: "Bol je prejaka.En: "The pain is too strong."Hr: "Svi su ga gledali, ali nitko nije osudio.En: Everyone looked at him, but no one judged.Hr: Ana mu je nježno dotaknula...