Frozen Adventures: A Journey of Trust and Caution
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by

Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Frozen Adventures: A Journey of Trust and Caution Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Mateo je stajao na početku staze, oči mu sjajile uzbuđenjem.En: Mateo stood at the beginning of the path, his eyes shining with excitement.Hr: Plitvička jezera prekrivena snijegom izgledala su čarobno.En: The Plitvička jezera covered in snow looked magical.Hr: Bijeli pokrivač svuda, sunce blistalo kroz gole grane.En: A white blanket everywhere, the sun gleaming through the bare branches.Hr: Bio je Novogodišnji dan, savršeno vrijeme za avanturu.En: It was New Year's Day, the perfect time for an adventure.Hr: "Došli smo da vidimo smrznute slapove," rekao je Mateo, pokazujući prema skrivenoj stazi.En: "We came to see the frozen waterfalls," said Mateo, pointing towards the hidden trail.Hr: Ana je oklijevala.En: Ana hesitated.Hr: "Mateo, staza je opasna.En: "Mateo, the path is dangerous.Hr: Snijeg i led čine je skliskom," upozorila je.En: The snow and ice make it slippery," she warned.Hr: Ali Ivana je bila uzbuđena, uvijek spremna za nove izazove.En: But Ivana was excited, always ready for new challenges.Hr: "Hajdemo pokušati," rekla je sa smiješkom.En: "Let's give it a try," she said with a smile.Hr: Mateo se činilo kao pravi trenutak da pokaže svoje liderske sposobnosti.En: Mateo felt it was the right moment to show his leadership skills.Hr: "Vjerujte mi," rekao je, "prošao sam ovuda ljetos.En: "Trust me," he said, "I went this way last summer.Hr: Znam put.En: I know the path."Hr: " Ana se duboko udahnula.En: Ana took a deep breath.Hr: "U redu," pristala je, ali njezine su oči ostale oprezne.En: "Okay," she agreed, but her eyes remained cautious.Hr: Krenuli su kroz šumom prekrivene snijegom.En: They set off through the snow-covered forest.Hr: Hodali su oprezno, Mateo je vodio put.En: They walked carefully, with Mateo leading the way.Hr: Sve je bilo mirno, samo se čuo škripac snijega pod njihovim nogama.En: Everything was calm, only the crunching of snow under their feet could be heard.Hr: No, ubrzo su stigli do strme, zaleđene padine.En: Soon, however, they reached a steep, icy slope.Hr: Mateo se zaustavio, osjećao je kako mu puls ubrzava.En: Mateo stopped, feeling his pulse quicken.Hr: Ova padina bila je veliki izazov.En: This slope was a major challenge.Hr: Mateo je stao i osjetio kako se njegova samopouzdanje ljulja.En: Mateo paused and felt his confidence waver.Hr: "Moramo odlučiti," rekao je polako.En: "We have to decide," he said slowly.Hr: Ana ga je pažljivo gledala.En: Ana watched him carefully.Hr: "Mateo, ne vrijedi rizik," rekla je.En: "Mateo, it's not worth the risk," she said.Hr: Cold wind brushed their faces as Mateo razmišljao.En: Cold wind brushed their faces as Mateo thought.Hr: Konačno, s olakšanjem, odlučio je: "Vraćamo se na glavnu stazu.En: Finally, with relief, he decided: "We're going back to the main path."Hr: " Ivana je kimnula, podržavajući njegovu odluku.En: Ivana nodded, supporting his decision.Hr: Ana se nasmijala, osjećajući olakšanje.En: Ana smiled, feeling relieved.Hr: Sigurno su se vratili na širu stazu.En: They safely returned to the broader path.Hr: Pronašli su mjesto gdje su smrznuti...