Ghostly Giggles: A Dubrovnik Adventure
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Ghostly Giggles: A Dubrovnik Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Na ulicama starog grada Dubrovnika, gdje kamen priča priče stoljeća, Ivan je hodao i smijao se u mraku noći.En: In the streets of the old city of Dubrovnik, where the stone tells stories of centuries, Ivan walked and laughed in the dark of the night.Hr: Nebo bijaše posuto zvijezdama i mjesec je bacio srebrni odsjaj na tvrđave koje su štitile grad.En: The sky was sprinkled with stars, and the moon cast a silver glow on the fortresses that protected the city.Hr: Ivan, mladić duhovitog osmijeha, bio je zadivljen pričama o duhovima koje su kružile starim gradom.En: Ivan, a young man with a witty smile, was fascinated by the stories of ghosts that circulated through the old city.Hr: Tog toplog ljetnog dana Ivan se spremao za noćnu turu duhova po Dubrovniku.En: On that warm summer day, Ivan was getting ready for a ghost tour of Dubrovnik.Hr: Njegova dva prijatelja, Marija i Petar, odlučili su mu se pridružiti u ovoj pustolovini.En: His two friends, Marija and Petar, decided to join him on this adventure.Hr: Marija, uvijek znatiželjna, donijela je fotoaparat kako bi zabilježila bilo kakve neobične pojave, dok je Petar, iako skeptičan, bio spreman na bilo kakvu šalu.En: Marija, always curious, brought a camera to capture any unusual occurrences, while Petar, though skeptical, was ready for any prank.Hr: Dok su šetali uskim uličicama, Ivan je primijetio grupu osoba odjevenih u svijetle odore.En: As they strolled through the narrow streets, Ivan noticed a group of people dressed in bright robes.Hr: "To moraju biti profesionalni lovci na duhove!En: "They must be professional ghost hunters!"Hr: " povikao je Ivan, pokazujući prema nasmijanoj skupini časnih sestara.En: Ivan exclaimed, pointing to the smiling group of nuns.Hr: Očaran što će susresti prave stručnjake za paranormalno, ponešto uzbuđen ali i pomalo zbunjen, Ivan je prišao grupi.En: Charmed by the prospect of meeting real experts in the paranormal, somewhat excited but also a little bewildered, Ivan approached the group.Hr: Iznenađenje je bilo veliko kada su časne sestre, zadržavajući smirenost, odgovorile kako one nisu lovac na duhove već su došle u Dubrovnik na hodočašće.En: The surprise was great when the nuns, maintaining their composure, replied that they were not ghost hunters but had come to Dubrovnik on a pilgrimage.Hr: Plavetnilo Marijinih očiju se svijetlilo od smijeha, a Petar nije mogao prestati smijati se Ivanovoj pomutnji.En: The blue of Marija's eyes shone with laughter, and Petar couldn't stop laughing at Ivan's confusion.Hr: Ivan se, zbunjen i ne malo postiđen, ispričao časnim sestrama.En: Confused and somewhat embarrassed, Ivan apologized to the nuns.Hr: Ipak, njegov duh nije bio slomljen.En: Nevertheless, his spirit was not broken.Hr: Okrenuo se prema Mariji i Petru, rekavši: "Čini se da sam malo pogriješio.En: He turned to Marija and Petar, saying, "It seems I made a little mistake.Hr: Ali, neka avantura počne!En: But let the adventure begin!"Hr: "I tako su trojica prijatelja nastavili sa svojom noćnom turu, povremeno izmjenjujući šale o Ivanovoj zabuni.En: And so, the three friends continued their night tour, occasionally exchanging jokes about Ivan's mix-up.Hr: Dubrovački zidine šaputale su im stare legende, a tik iznad njih, na Orlandovom stupu, činilo se kao da se kip uz osmjeh...