Harmony of Life: A Dance of Coins and Roses at Dolac Market

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Harmony of Life: A Dance of Coins and Roses at Dolac Market Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2025-01-25-23-34-02-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Dolac Market sija u jarkim bojama.En: The Dolac Market shines in bright colors.Hr: Kiosci su puni svježih povrća i cvijeća, a kroz hladni zrak Zagreba dopiru mnogi mirisi.En: The stalls are full of fresh vegetables and flowers, and through the cold air of Zagreb waft many aromas.Hr: Ljudi hodaju, kupuju i razgovaraju.En: People walk, shop, and converse.Hr: Zima je, no gužva na tržnici je topla.En: It's winter, but the crowd in the market is warm.Hr: Ivan stoji ispred štanda.En: Ivan stands in front of a stand.Hr: Lice mu je pomalo crveno; nije siguran kako reći što želi.En: His face is somewhat red; he's not sure how to say what he wants.Hr: Prodavač ga gleda s blagim osmijehom.En: The vendor looks at him with a gentle smile.Hr: Ivan uzdahne duboko i pogleda u Marininu stranu.En: Ivan takes a deep breath and looks in Marina's direction.Hr: Ipak, Marina je zauzeta.En: However, Marina is busy.Hr: Skupina uličnih glazbenika svirala je uzbudljive note.En: A group of street musicians was playing exciting tunes.Hr: Marina se smijala i pljeskala u ritmu.En: Marina laughed and clapped to the rhythm.Hr: Njene oči sjajile su s razigranošću.En: Her eyes shone with playfulness.Hr: Ivan pokuša privući njezinu pažnju, ali uzalud.En: Ivan tries to catch her attention but to no avail.Hr: Ivan se okrene prema prodavaču.En: Ivan turns to the vendor.Hr: Rukama pokazuje prema cvijeću.En: He gestures towards the flowers with his hands.Hr: "Ruže?", pita, ali prodavač ne razumije.En: "Roses?" he asks, but the vendor doesn't understand.Hr: Ivan se smješka, ali u sebi se osjeća nervozno.En: Ivan smiles, but inside he feels nervous.Hr: Uzima jednu ruku i oponaša da miriše cvijet, a s drugom rukom pokazuje na srce.En: He takes one hand and pretends to smell a flower, while with the other hand he points to his heart.Hr: Prodavač se nasmije.En: The vendor laughs.Hr: "Ah!" kaže, prepoznajući gestu.En: "Ah!" he says, recognizing the gesture.Hr: U tom trenutku, glazbenici počinju svirati Ivanovu omiljenu pjesmu.En: At that moment, the musicians begin to play Ivan's favorite song.Hr: Marina uzvikne od veselja i počne plesati.En: Marina exclaims with joy and starts dancing.Hr: Slučajno dodirne Ivana, koji ispusti novčanik.En: She accidentally touches Ivan, who drops his wallet.Hr: Novčići se razlete po podu.En: Coins scatter across the floor.Hr: Marina stane, pogleda i zatim se nasmije.En: Marina stops, looks, and then laughs.Hr: Prodavač klimne glavom, sada razumijevajući.En: The vendor nods, now understanding.Hr: Pruža Ivanu buket prekrasnih ruža i pokazuje smanjenu cijenu.En: He offers Ivan a bouquet of beautiful roses and indicates a reduced price.Hr: Ivan s osmijehom prihvati, osjetivši olakšanje.En: Ivan accepts with a smile, feeling relieved.Hr: Marina dolazi do Ivana, još puna energije.En: Marina comes to Ivan, still full of energy.Hr: "To je bilo nevjerojatno!" rekne, pokazujući prema glazbenicima.En: "That was amazing!" she says, pointing to the musicians.Hr: "Hvala ti za ples!"En: "Thank you for the dance!"Hr: Ivan...