Hidden Secrets of Diocletian's Palace Unveiled
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Hidden Secrets of Diocletian's Palace Unveiled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/hidden-secrets-of-diocletians-palace-unveiled Story Transcript:Hr: Ivana je uzbuđeno gledala kroz prozor autobusa dok se Split približavao u ljetnom suncu.En: Ivana watched excitedly through the bus window as Split drew nearer in the summer sun.Hr: Sanjala je o ovom danu mjesecima.En: She had dreamed of this day for months.Hr: Dioklecijanova palača bila je njena destinacija iz snova, mjesto gdje je vjerovala da se skriva tajna koju je tražila.En: Diocletian's Palace was her dream destination, a place where she believed a secret was hidden that she had been seeking.Hr: Već godinama se nadala otkriti nešto važno, nešto što će promijeniti tijek njene karijere.En: For years, she had hoped to discover something significant, something that would change the course of her career.Hr: Marko, turist s neutaživom glađu za poviješću, sjedao je nekoliko sjedala iza nje.En: Marko, a tourist with an insatiable hunger for history, was seated a few seats behind her.Hr: Pogled mu je letio od jedne povijesne građevine do druge.En: His gaze flitted from one historical building to another.Hr: Nadao se da će spojiti prošlost svoje obitelji s ovom izvanrednom ljepotom i otkrićem.En: He hoped to connect his family's past with this extraordinary beauty and discovery.Hr: Nije mogao niti zamisliti kakva ga avantura čeka danas.En: He couldn't even imagine what kind of adventure awaited him today.Hr: Kada su stigli, dočekao ih je Filip, lokalni vodič.En: When they arrived, they were greeted by Filip, the local guide.Hr: On je bio poznat po svojoj strasti prema povijesti, ali i skrivenoj čežnji za pustolovinama izvan uobičajene rute.En: He was known for his passion for history, but also for his hidden yearning for adventures off the beaten path.Hr: Dok je vodio grupu kroz zatamnjene hodnike i tajanstvena dvorišta palače, osjećao je da je danas poseban dan.En: As he led the group through the dim hallways and mysterious courtyards of the palace, he sensed that today was a special day.Hr: Dok je obilazak trajao, Ivana se odvojila od grupe.En: During the tour, Ivana separated from the group.Hr: Nešto joj je zaokupilo pažnju - mali prolaz gotovo skriven iza starih zidova.En: Something had caught her attention—a small passage almost hidden behind the old walls.Hr: Njena intuicija govorila joj je da se tu krije nešto posebno.En: Her intuition told her that something special was concealed there.Hr: Marko i Filip su je slijedili u stopu, prepoznajući njeno uzbuđenje.En: Marko and Filip followed closely, recognizing her excitement.Hr: "Što misliš da je tu?En: "What do you think is in there?"Hr: " upitao je Marko, tiho, kao da će glasovi probuditi duhove prošlosti.En: Marko asked quietly, as though speaking louder might awaken the ghosts of the past.Hr: "Ne znam, ali osjećam da je važno," odgovorila je Ivana, zapalivši mali svjetiljku kojom je osvijetlila prolaz.En: "I don't know, but I feel it's important," Ivana replied, lighting a small flashlight to illuminate the passageway.Hr: Ubrzo su stigli do minijaturnog udubljenja u zidu.En: Soon they arrived at a miniature recess in the wall.Hr: Unutra se nalazio stari kovčeg, zamotan u prašinu i povijest.En: Inside lay an old chest, enveloped in dust and history.Hr: Srca su im zadrhtala.En: Their hearts trembled.Hr:...