Hope and Heroes: An Unexpected Election Day in Dubrovnik

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Hope and Heroes: An Unexpected Election Day in Dubrovnik Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/hope-and-heroes-an-unexpected-election-day-in-dubrovnik Story Transcript:Hr: U srcu ljeta, zrak u Dubrovniku bio je težak i sladak od mirisa mora.En: In the heart of summer, the air in Dubrovnik was heavy and sweet with the scent of the sea.Hr: Povijesna zgrada blizu Starog Grada postala je privremeno biralište.En: A historic building near the Old Town had become a temporary polling station.Hr: Glasovi ljudi odjekivali su kamenom poput valova.En: The voices of people echoed off the stone like waves.Hr: Nikola je stajao u redu, oči usmjerene na ulaz.En: Nikola stood in line, his eyes fixed on the entrance.Hr: Suze su mu dolazile na oči od oštrog sunca, ali nije odustajao.En: Tears welled up in his eyes from the harsh sun, but he did not give up.Hr: Nikola je bio srednjih godina, s povijestom problema sa srcem.En: Nikola was middle-aged, with a history of heart problems.Hr: Bio je odlučan glasati.En: He was determined to vote.Hr: Kandidat kojeg je podržavao nudio je zdravstvene reforme, a njemu je nada trebala biti veća od straha.En: The candidate he supported offered healthcare reforms, and he needed hope to be stronger than fear.Hr: No, dok je stajao, osjetio je poznatu bol u prsima.En: However, as he stood, he felt a familiar pain in his chest.Hr: Bol je bila poput oštrog bodeža, ali nije htio odustati.En: The pain was like a sharp dagger, but he did not want to give up.Hr: Iza njega je stajala Ivana.En: Behind him stood Ivana.Hr: Mlada medicinska sestra, ali bila je odjevena jednostavno.En: A young nurse, but she was simply dressed.Hr: Htjela je ostati neprimijećena, skrivena od pogledom poznatih lica.En: She wanted to remain unnoticed, hidden from the eyes of familiar faces.Hr: Došla je glasati, ali i pobjeći od osobnih problema.En: She had come to vote but also to escape from personal problems.Hr: Dok je gledala Nikolina leđa kako se savijaju zbog boli, odlučila je promatrati.En: As she watched Nikola's back bending due to the pain, she decided to observe.Hr: Red je napredovao sporo, vrijeme kao da se zaustavilo.En: The line moved slowly, time seemed to stand still.Hr: Bol u Nikolinim prsima postajala je jača.En: The pain in Nikola's chest grew stronger.Hr: U glavi su mu se vrtjele misli.En: His head was spinning with thoughts.Hr: "Trebam glasati.En: "I need to vote.Hr: Ne smijem odustati.En: I must not give up."Hr: " No, srce je govorilo drugačije.En: But his heart said otherwise.Hr: Oči su mu počele tamniti i osjetio je vrtoglavicu.En: His eyes began to darken, and he felt dizzy.Hr: Netko iz reda je viknuo: "Pazite!En: Someone from the line shouted, "Watch out!Hr: Čovjek pada!En: The man is falling!"Hr: "Nikola se držao za stol, ali koljena su ga izdala.En: Nikola held onto a table, but his knees gave way.Hr: Ivana je instinktivno skočila naprijed.En: Ivana instinctively jumped forward.Hr: Srce joj je lupalo, ali profesionalna dužnost bila je jača od straha.En: Her heart was pounding, but her professional duty was stronger than her fear.Hr: "Sklonite se!En: "Move aside!Hr: Ja sam medicinska sestra!En: I'm a nurse!"Hr: " povikala je.En: she...