How a Surprise Party Transformed Lives in a Psychiatric Ward
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: How a Surprise Party Transformed Lives in a Psychiatric Ward Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Petar je užurbano hodao hodnikom psihijatrijskog odjela.En: Petar briskly walked down the hallway of the psychiatric ward.Hr: Ljeto je i sunce sija kroz prozore.En: It was summer, and the sun was shining through the windows.Hr: Petar je medicinski brat i radi prekovremeno.En: Petar was a male nurse working overtime.Hr: Sanja o više uzbuđenja u životu.En: He dreamt of more excitement in life.Hr: Danas ima poseban plan.En: Today, he had a special plan.Hr: Želi organizirati zabavu iznenađenja za Mariju.En: He wanted to organize a surprise party for Marija.Hr: Marija je pacijentica, poznata po svojoj brzoj duhovitosti i oštrom jeziku, ali pati od blage paranoje.En: Marija was a patient known for her quick wit and sharp tongue, but she suffered from mild paranoia.Hr: Petar se osvrne oko sebe i vidi Zorana.En: Petar glanced around and saw Zoran.Hr: Zoran je bolničar koji voli praktične šale, ali ima dobro srce.En: Zoran was an orderly known for his practical jokes, but he had a good heart.Hr: Petar zna da Zoran može biti problem, ali treba njegovu pomoć.En: Petar knew that Zoran could be trouble, but he needed his help.Hr: "Zorane, trebam tvoju pomoć," kaže Petar.En: "Zoran, I need your help," Petar said.Hr: "Želim napraviti zabavu iznenađenja za Mariju."En: "I want to throw a surprise party for Marija."Hr: Zoran se nasmiješi i kaže, "Zabava, ha? Možemo je preplašiti!"En: Zoran smiled and said, "A party, huh? We could scare her!"Hr: "Ne, ne, Zorane," odgovori Petar ozbiljno.En: "No, no, Zoran," Petar replied seriously.Hr: "Ovo mora biti bez šala.En: "This has to be without any jokes.Hr: Trebamo joj dan učiniti posebnim.En: We need to make her day special.Hr: Možeš li mi pomoći?En: Can you help me?"Hr: Zoran se zamisli na trenutak.En: Zoran thought for a moment.Hr: Vidjevši Petrov ozbiljan izraz, klimne glavom.En: Seeing Petar's serious expression, he nodded.Hr: "U redu, Petre.En: "Alright, Petar.Hr: Bez šala, obećavam."En: No jokes, I promise."Hr: Planiranje počinje.En: The planning began.Hr: Petar i Zoran rade u tajnosti.En: Petar and Zoran worked in secret.Hr: Odlaze u zajedničku sobu, svijetlu prostoriju sa šarenim dekoracijama.En: They went to the common room, a bright room with colorful decorations.Hr: Tu je veliki zajednički stol i razne terapeutske aktivnosti.En: There was a large communal table and various therapeutic activities.Hr: Postavljaju balone, papirnate ukrase i skrivaju kolače u kuhinjski ormarić.En: They set up balloons, paper decorations, and hid cakes in the kitchen cupboard.Hr: Međutim, Marija nešto naslućuje.En: However, Marija suspected something.Hr: Dok prolazi hodnikom, čuje Zorana kako priča o "planu".En: As she walked down the hallway, she heard Zoran talking about the "plan."Hr: Njena paranoja se budi.En: Her paranoia awakened.Hr: "Što oni planiraju?" šapuće sebi.En: "What are they planning?" she whispered to herself.Hr: Kada Zoran vidi Marijin zabrinuti izraz, brzo shvati što se događa.En: When Zoran saw Marija's worried...