Ivana's Christmas Escape: A Journey to Self-Liberation
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Ivana's Christmas Escape: A Journey to Self-Liberation Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2024-12-13-23-34-02-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Ivana je sjedila na hladnoj, plastičnoj stolici u hodniku psihijatrijskog odjela.En: Ivana was sitting on a cold, plastic chair in the hallway of the psychiatric ward.Hr: Svjetla su bila jaka i bijela, prigušena melodija božićne pjesme dolazila je iz daljine.En: The lights were bright and white, and a muted melody of a Christmas song was coming from a distance.Hr: U zraku je bio miris dezinficijensa.En: The air smelled of disinfectant.Hr: Bio je Badnjak, ali odjel nije znao za slavlje.En: It was Christmas Eve, but the ward knew nothing of celebration.Hr: Ivana je osjećala mrak u sebi.En: Ivana felt darkness within her.Hr: Znala je da treba izaći.En: She knew she had to get out.Hr: Nije bolesna, uvjeravala je samu sebe.En: She wasn't sick, she kept convincing herself.Hr: Samo je trebala priliku.En: She just needed an opportunity.Hr: U glavi je već skovala plan.En: She had already devised a plan in her mind.Hr: Morala je pobjeći prije nego je zauvijek zaključaju.En: She had to escape before they locked her away forever.Hr: Marko, medicinski brat, prošao je kraj nje gužvajući papir.En: Marko, the male nurse, passed by her, crumpling a piece of paper.Hr: Pogledao ju je s osmijehom, ali Ivana se pravila da ga ne vidi.En: He looked at her with a smile, but Ivana pretended not to see him.Hr: Ona je znala da je on bio ljubazan, ali sada nije imala vremena za prijateljstva.En: She knew he was kind, but she didn't have time for friendships right now.Hr: Ana, njena cimerica, sjela je pored Ivane.En: Ana, her roommate, sat next to Ivana.Hr: "Sretan Božić", rekla je šapatom.En: "Merry Christmas," she whispered.Hr: "I dalje ideš svojim putem?En: "Are you still going your way?"Hr: " Ivana je kimnula.En: Ivana nodded.Hr: Osjećala se krivom što ostavlja Anu, ali znala je da mora.En: She felt guilty for leaving Ana, but she knew she had to.Hr: Došla je večer.En: Evening came.Hr: Odjel je bio još tiši, a osoblje se pripremilo za malu božićnu proslavu na kraju hodnika.En: The ward was even quieter, and the staff was preparing for a small Christmas celebration at the end of the hallway.Hr: Ljudi su dijelili kolače i toplu čokoladu.En: People were sharing cakes and hot chocolate.Hr: Bio je to njen trenutak.En: It was her moment.Hr: Ivana je duboko udahnula, srce joj je ubrzano kucalo.En: Ivana took a deep breath, her heart was pounding.Hr: Sjećaš se plana, pomislila je.En: Remember the plan, she thought.Hr: Ustala je polako, promatrajući osoblje.En: She stood up slowly, observing the staff.Hr: Svi su bili zauzeti.En: Everyone was busy.Hr: Počela je hodati prema izlazu.En: She started walking towards the exit.Hr: S vrata na kraju hodnika, pogledala je Marka.En: From the door at the end of the hallway, she looked at Marko.Hr: Bio je okrenut i razgovarao s Anom.En: He was turned around and talking to Ana.Hr: Sada, šaptala je sebi.En: Now, she whispered to herself.Hr: Ivana je otvorila vrata, hladan zrak ju je zapljusnuo.En: Ivana opened the door, and the cold air hit her.Hr: Izašla je van.En: She stepped outside.