Ivan's Hot Dance at the Croatian Feast
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Ivan's Hot Dance at the Croatian Feast Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/ivans-hot-dance-at-the-croatian-feast Story Transcript:Hr: Sunce se smiješilo nad krovove stare gradske jezgre Dubrovnika.En: The sun was smiling over the rooftops of the old city center of Dubrovnik.Hr: Matea, Ivan i Petra prošetali su uskim kamenim uličicama prema velikom trgu gdje se održavao tradicionalni hrvatski festival hrane.En: Matea, Ivan, and Petra strolled through the narrow cobblestone streets toward the large square where a traditional Croatian food festival was taking place.Hr: "Vidi, Ivan, ovo je najbolje mjesto za probati sve vrste hrane!En: "Look, Ivan, this is the best place to try all kinds of food!"Hr: " uzviknula je Petra, pokazujući na šarene štandove sa svih strana.En: exclaimed Petra, pointing to the colorful stands all around.Hr: Ivan je klimnuo glavom, oči su mu zasjale od uzbuđenja.En: Ivan nodded, his eyes shining with excitement.Hr: "Ja volim hrvatske specijalitete!En: "I love Croatian specialties!"Hr: " uzviknuo je.En: he shouted.Hr: Matea ga je pogledala i nasmijala se.En: Matea looked at him and laughed.Hr: "Samo nemoj jesti nešto što ti neće biti drago kasnije," upozorila ga je kroz šaljivi osmijeh.En: "Just don't eat something you won't enjoy later," she warned with a playful smile.Hr: Festival je bio živopisan, ulični svirači svirali su klapske pjesme, a miris svježega kruha, pršuta i maslinovog ulja širio se zrakom.En: The festival was lively, street musicians played traditional songs, and the smell of fresh bread, prosciutto, and olive oil filled the air.Hr: Ljudi su se smijali i razgovarali, a Ivan, Petra i Matea su probavali svakakve delicije.En: People laughed and chatted, and Ivan, Petra, and Matea tasted all sorts of delicacies.Hr: Kad su stigli do jednog štanda sa začinima, Ivan je ugledao ljute papričice.En: When they reached a spice stand, Ivan saw hot peppers.Hr: "Oho, vidi ovo!En: "Oh, look at this!"Hr: " povikao je, hvatajući jednu crvenu papričicu i prije nego što ga je itko mogao zaustaviti, stavio ju je u usta.En: he shouted, grabbing a red pepper and before anyone could stop him, he put it in his mouth.Hr: Matea i Petra su otvorile usta u šoku, znajući što slijedi.En: Matea and Petra opened their mouths in shock, knowing what was coming.Hr: Papričica je bila puno ljuća nego što je Ivan očekivao.En: The pepper was much hotter than Ivan had expected.Hr: Lice mu je brzo poprimilo crvenu boju, a oči su mu se ispunile suzama.En: His face quickly turned red, and tears filled his eyes.Hr: "Vruće, vruće!En: "Hot, hot!"Hr: " zadušio se Ivan, dok je pokušavao ne izgubiti dah.En: gasped Ivan as he tried not to lose his breath.Hr: A onda, baš kao u nekoj ludoriji, Ivan je počeo plesati.En: And then, as if in a frenzy, Ivan started to dance.Hr: Nije to bio običan ples, već ples nekog tko se pokušava otresti plamena u ustima.En: It wasn't just any dance, but the dance of someone trying to rid themselves of the fire in their mouth.Hr: Mahao je rukama, vrteo nogama, skakutao oko štanda s papričicama kao da je uključen na nevidljivi pokretni pod.En: He waved his arms, kicked his legs, and hopped around the pepper stand as if he were on an invisible dance floor.Hr: Matea i Petra su gledale u nevjerici prije nego što su prasle u smijeh.En: Matea and Petra watched in disbelief...