Ivan's Quest: A Summer of Courage and New Friendship

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Ivan's Quest: A Summer of Courage and New Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/ivans-quest-a-summer-of-courage-and-new-friendship Story Transcript:Hr: Ivan je stajao usred tržnice, osjetivši težinu svijeta na svojim ramenima.En: Ivan stood in the middle of the marketplace, feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders.Hr: Ljetni dan bio je užaren, a zrak je mirisao na pečeni kruh i začine.En: The summer day was scorching, and the air smelled of freshly baked bread and spices.Hr: Rušili su se glasovi trgovaca koji su vikali: "Svježe voće! Najbolje tkanine!"En: The voices of the traders shouting, "Fresh fruit! The best fabrics!" resounded around him.Hr: No, Ivan nije bio ovdje radi kupovine.En: But Ivan wasn't there to shop.Hr: Njegova majka bila je bolesna, a jedini lijek bio je rijedak biljni sastojak.En: His mother was sick, and the only cure was a rare herbal ingredient.Hr: Ivan je znao da jedino Marina, mudra travarica, zna gdje pronaći tu biljku.En: Ivan knew that only Marina, the wise herbalist, knew where to find that plant.Hr: No, Marina nije vjerovala strancima.En: However, Marina didn't trust strangers.Hr: Živjela je sama na rubu sela, dalje od buke i vreve.En: She lived alone on the edge of the village, far from the noise and bustle.Hr: “Izvolite, mladiću,” rekla je jedna starija žena, pružajući mu šalicu vode.En: "Here, young man," said an elderly woman, handing him a cup of water.Hr: “Izgledate umorno.”En: "You look tired."Hr: “Hvala,” odgovori Ivan.En: "Thank you," Ivan replied.Hr: “Tražim travaricu Marinu.En: "I'm looking for the herbalist Marina.Hr: Moja majka je bolesna i treba mi pomoć.”En: My mother is sick, and I need help."Hr: Žena ga je pogledala sažalno.En: The woman looked at him with pity.Hr: “Marina je teška. Neće olako pomoći.En: "Marina is difficult. She doesn't help easily."Hr: Ivan je odlučio da joj pokaže svoju iskrenost.En: Ivan decided to show his sincerity.Hr: Počeo je pomagati seljanima.En: He started helping the villagers.Hr: Nosio je vreće s brašnom, čistio štale, vodu nosio iz bunara.En: He carried sacks of flour, cleaned stables, and fetched water from the well.Hr: Svi su ga počeli cijeniti.En: Everyone began to appreciate him.Hr: Jedne večeri, nakon napornog dana, Ivan je sjeo na kamen pored tržnice.En: One evening, after a hard day's work, Ivan sat on a stone near the marketplace.Hr: Marina je promatrala iz daljine.En: Marina watched him from a distance.Hr: Polako je pristupila.En: Slowly, she approached.Hr: “Vidim da si uporan,” rekla je strogo.En: "I see you're persistent," she said sternly.Hr: “Zašto ti je tako stalo do ove biljke?”En: "Why do you care so much about this plant?"Hr: “Moja majka je sve što imam.En: "My mother is all I have.Hr: Ako je izgubim, neću imati nikoga,” odgovori Ivan iskrenim glasom.En: If I lose her, I will have no one," Ivan replied with a sincere voice.Hr: Suze su mu zasuzile oči.En: Tears welled up in his eyes.Hr: Marina ga je gledala još nekoliko trenutaka.En: Marina watched him for a few more moments.Hr: “Dobro, mladiću.En: "Alright, young man.Hr: Vidim da si iskren.En: I see you're sincere.Hr: Pokazat ću ti gdje raste biljka.”En: I'll show you where...