Keys to the Heart: Lost in Dubrovnik
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Keys to the Heart: Lost in Dubrovnik Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Jednog sunčanog jutra, Ivana je zakoračila po kamenim ulicama starog grada Dubrovnika.En: One sunny morning, Ivana stepped through the stone streets of the old city of Dubrovnik.Hr: Držala je u ruci prsten sa ključevima, a igra svjetlosti i sjene plesala je uz povijesne zidine koje su šaputale priče iz prošlosti.En: She held a ring of keys in her hand, and the play of light and shadow danced along the historic walls that whispered stories from the past.Hr: Ivana je bila vlasnica male slastičarnice poznate po najslađem sladoledu u cijelom gradu. Ime joj je bilo "Sladoledni raj".En: Ivana owned a small ice cream shop known for the sweetest ice cream in the entire city. Its name was "Ice Cream Heaven."Hr: Ivana se približila drvenim vratima trgovine, ali kada je posegnula za ključem, srce joj je zastalo.En: Approaching the wooden shop door, when she reached for the key, her heart skipped a beat.Hr: Ključevi nisu bili na uobičajenom prstenu! Pregledala je sve džepove, ali ključevi su jednostavno nestali.En: The keys were not on the usual ring! She checked all her pockets, but the keys had simply vanished.Hr: Pomislila je gdje bi mogla pogriješiti, ali ništa joj nije padalo na pamet.En: She wondered where she could have gone wrong, but nothing came to mind.Hr: Njena trgovina je trebala biti otvorena za kratko vrijeme, a redovi željnih kupaca već su se počeli formirati ispred vrata.En: Her shop was supposed to open shortly, and lines of eager customers had already begun to form outside the door.Hr: Ivana se osjećala kao da je more prodrlo kroz zidine i preplavilo je valom panike.En: Ivana felt as if the sea had broken through the walls and flooded her with a wave of panic.Hr: Bez pristupa sladoledu i slasticama, njezin dan bi bio propao.En: Without access to ice cream and sweets, her day would be ruined.Hr: Počela je trčkarati uzduž zidova, moleći da pronađe ključ.En: She began to run along the walls, praying to find the key.Hr: Ispod klupa, uz rubove cvjetnih lonaca, čak je provirila i iza starih željeznih lampi, ali ključevi su ostali nepopustljivo sakriveni.En: She even looked under benches, around the edges of flower pots, and behind old iron lamps, but the keys remained stubbornly hidden.Hr: U trenu očaja, počela je pitati prolaznike za pomoć.En: In a moment of despair, she began asking passersby for help.Hr: Grad je bi pun turista i mještana, no nitko nije vidio njezine ključeve.En: The city was full of tourists and locals, but no one had seen her keys.Hr: Taman kada je htjela odustati, jedan starac joj priđe sa osmijehom.En: Just as she was about to give up, an old man approached her with a smile.Hr: "Tražiš li ovo, mlada djevojko?" Starac je u ruci držao njezin izgubljeni ključ.En: "Are you looking for this, young lady?" The old man held her lost key in his hand.Hr: Otkrio je kako je ugledao ključeve na klupi pokraj fontane gdje je Ivana svakog jutra hranila golubove.En: He revealed that he had seen the keys on a bench near the fountain where Ivana fed the pigeons every morning.Hr: Ivana mu je zahvalila s toplim zagrljajem, otključala vrata svoje slastičarnice i započela dan služeći sladoled sretne stranke.En: Ivana thanked him with a warm hug, unlocked the door of her ice cream shop, and started the day serving ice cream to happy customers.Hr: Iz...