Laughter in the Labyrinth: A Dubrovnik Tale
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Laughter in the Labyrinth: A Dubrovnik Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Usred sunčanog popodneva, kada su kameni zidovi Dubrovnika odbijali zlatne zrake, tri prijatelja, Ivana, Marko i Petar, odlučili su prošetati starim gradom.En: On a sunny afternoon, as the stone walls of Dubrovnik reflected the golden rays, three friends, Ivana, Marko and Petar, decided to take a stroll through the old town.Hr: Ivana je bila novopridošlica u gradu, a Marko i Petar, koji su bili domaći, htjeli su joj pokazati svaku ljepotu dubrovačke povijesti.En: Ivana was a newcomer to the city, and Marko and Petar, who were locals, wanted to show her every beauty of Dubrovnik's history.Hr: Hodajući kroz uske uličice, naišli su na mnoštvo turista.En: Walking through the narrow streets, they came across a crowd of tourists.Hr: Svaki kutak staroga grada bio je prepun ljudi iz raznih krajeva svijeta.En: Every corner of the old town was filled with people from various parts of the world.Hr: Ivana, zanesena pričama i legendama koje su joj pričali prijatelji, gledala je oko sebe s otvorenim ustima.En: Enthralled by the stories and legends her friends were telling her, Ivana looked around with her mouth wide open.Hr: Došavši do poznate skulpture hobotnice, koja je djelovala kao da izranja iz kamenih popločenja, Marko je upravo tada primijetio neku zanimljivu građevinu i počeo pričati o njoj.En: Reaching the famous octopus sculpture, which seemed to emerge from the stone pavement, Marko then noticed an interesting building and began to talk about it.Hr: Ivana, koja je zakoračila unazad slušajući ga, okrenula se i, ne gledajući, spotaknula se o krak skulpture.En: Ivana, who had stepped back to listen to him, turned and, not looking, stumbled over one of the octopus's tentacles.Hr: "Jao!En: "Ouch!"Hr: " vrisnula je Ivana, uvjerena da je dodirnula pravu hobotnicu.En: Ivana screamed, convinced that she had touched a real octopus.Hr: Njezino iznenađenje i krik natjerali su skupinu turista da se počne smijati.En: Her surprise and cry made the group of tourists start laughing.Hr: Njezino lice je poprimilo boju dubrovačkih tepiha, crvenu od smijeha i neugodnosti.En: Her face turned the color of Dubrovnik's carpets, red from laughter and embarrassment.Hr: Petar, koji je uvijek bio duša društva, počeo je klaunovski hodati oko skulpture, praveći se da i on misli da je hobotnica prava, dodatno nasmijavajući sve okupljene.En: Petar, who had always been the life of the party, started clowning around the sculpture, pretending to also believe that the octopus was real, further amusing everyone gathered around.Hr: Ivana, shvativši svoju pogrešku, nasmijala se sama sebi.En: Realizing her mistake, Ivana laughed at herself.Hr: "Ne vjerujem da sam to učinila," rekla je kroz smijeh.En: "I can't believe I did that," she said through laughter.Hr: "Pa, ovo će barem biti priča koju ću pamtiti!En: "Well, at least this will be a story to remember!"Hr: "Marko je dodao, "I ne samo ti!En: Marko added, "And not just for you!Hr: Mislim da smo danas uljepšali dan svim tim turistima!En: I think we've brightened the day for all these tourists!"Hr: "Troje prijatelja se nakon toga nastavilo smijati i šetati, pričajući o drugim smiješnim situacijama koje su doživjeli.En: The three friends continued to laugh and walk, talking about other funny situations they had...