Lost in Translation: A Heartfelt Tour
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Lost in Translation: A Heartfelt Tour Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/lost-in-translation-a-heartfelt-tour Story Transcript:Hr: Jednog sunčanog dana, Jakov je šetao starom jezgrom Splita.En: On a sunny day, Jakov was strolling through the old core of Split.Hr: Ruke mu je grijalo toplo ljetno sunce, a oči su mu se smijale svakom popločanom kamenčiću koji je pripovijedao priče drevnog grada.En: His hands were being warmed by the summer sun, and his eyes smiled at every cobblestone that told stories of the ancient city.Hr: Jakov je bio poznat među prijateljima kao veliki šaljivdžija.En: Among his friends, Jakov was known as a great joker.Hr: No, osim humora, imao je i veliku želju pokazati svoje znanje engleskog jezika koje je, sa sigurnošću bi rekao, savladao gledajući filmove i serije bez titlova.En: However, besides humor, he also had a strong desire to showcase his knowledge of the English language, which he confidently claimed to have mastered by watching movies and series without subtitles.Hr: Tog dana, Jakov je naišao na grupu turista.En: That day, Jakov came across a group of tourists.Hr: Bili su tu iz raznih dijelova svijeta, nosili su šarene torbe i široko su se smiješili kroz objektive svojih fotoaparata.En: They were from various parts of the world, carrying colorful bags and smiling widely through the lenses of their cameras.Hr: I kako to već obično biva, grupa se okupila oko karte grada, zbunjeno promatrajući ulice koje su se vijugale poput labirinta.En: As it often happens, the group gathered around a city map, puzzling over the labyrinthine streets.Hr: "Savršena prilika!En: "The perfect opportunity!"Hr: " pomislio je Jakov.En: thought Jakov.Hr: Odmah se približio grupi, nasmijao se i rekao: "Hello, ja sam Jakov!En: He immediately approached the group, smiled, and said, "Hello, I am Jakov!Hr: Možda need help?En: Maybe need help?"Hr: "Turisti su se nasmijali i klimnuli glavama.En: The tourists laughed and nodded.Hr: "Meni engleski very good.En: "My English very good.Hr: Ja will show you the best parts!En: I will show you the best parts!"Hr: " brzo je dodao, pokušavajući okupiti hrabrost da ih provede gradom.En: he quickly added, trying to gather the courage to guide them through the city.Hr: No, kako je počeo govoriti, riječi su se saplitale, a engleski i hrvatski su se miješali kao ulja i voda.En: However, as he began to speak, his words stumbled and English and Croatian mixed like oil and water.Hr: "We go to best view of palace Dioklecijanov.En: "We go to best view of palace Diocletian.Hr: Very old, much wow.En: Very old, much wow."Hr: " I dok je pokušavao objasniti povijest, iz usta su mu izašle rečenice poput "Emperor Dioklecijan loved extreme fishing" ili "This walls was built from choc.En: And while trying to explain the history, sentences such as "Emperor Diocletian loved extreme fishing" or "These walls were built from choc... uh, I mean stones!"Hr: eh, I mean stones!En: came out of his mouth.Hr: "Turisti su bili u početku zbunjeni, ali njihove su se lica ubrzo razvedrila čim su shvatili Jakovljev trud da ih zabavi.En: The tourists were initially puzzled, but their faces soon brightened as they realized Jakov's effort to entertain them.Hr: Dan je prolazio, a Jakov je postajao sve opušteniji.En: As the day went on, Jakov became more and more relaxed.Hr: Gledajući ga kako...