Lost Treasures and Lessons in a Coastal Warehouse Adventure
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org

Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Lost Treasures and Lessons in a Coastal Warehouse Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/lost-treasures-and-lessons-in-a-coastal-warehouse-adventure Story Transcript:Hr: Ljetno sunce probijalo se kroz slomljene prozore napuštenog skladišta na rubu malog obalnog grada.En: The summer sun broke through the shattered windows of the abandoned warehouse at the edge of the small coastal town.Hr: U zraku se osjećala i sol mora i miris prašine.En: The air was filled with the scent of the sea and the smell of dust.Hr: Petar, s iskrom avanture u očima, vodio je put.En: Petar, with a spark of adventure in his eyes, led the way.Hr: Ivana i Luka pratili su ga, svaki sa svojim mislima.En: Ivana and Luka followed him, each lost in their own thoughts.Hr: Petar je bio strastveni kolekcionar, uvijek u potrazi za rijetkim i vrijednim predmetima.En: Petar was a passionate collector, always on the lookout for rare and valuable items.Hr: Vjerovao je da će ovog puta pronaći nešto posebno.En: He believed that this time he would find something special.Hr: Ivana je bila opreznija, često podsjećajući Petra na opasnosti nepoznatih mjesta.En: Ivana was more cautious, often reminding Petar of the dangers of unknown places.Hr: Luka, njihov vodič, bio je misteriozan.En: Luka, their guide, was mysterious.Hr: Znao je puno o starom skladištu, ali nije otkrivao mnogo.En: He knew a lot about the old warehouse but revealed little.Hr: Dok su ulazili dublje, svuda su bili tragovi prošlosti.En: As they ventured deeper, traces of the past were everywhere.Hr: Stare stolice, zahrđale mašine, čak i par starih lutki.En: Old chairs, rusty machines, even a pair of old dolls.Hr: "Ovdje je sve tako jezivo," rekla je Ivana tiho, pokušavajući ne uznemiriti tišinu.En: "Everything here is so creepy," Ivana said quietly, trying not to disturb the silence.Hr: No Petar je bio uzbuđen, neumorno pregledavajući svaki kut.En: But Petar was excited, tirelessly examining every corner.Hr: Nakon nekog vremena, Luka ih je poveo prema starim drvenim vratima.En: After a while, Luka led them to an old wooden door.Hr: "Iza ovoga su najzanimljivije stvari," rekao je s tajanstvenim osmijehom.En: "The most interesting things are behind this," he said with a mysterious smile.Hr: Petar se predomišljao - trebao li vjerovati Luki ili slušati Ivanin oprezni glas?En: Petar hesitated—should he trust Luka or heed Ivana’s cautious warning?Hr: Ušli su u prostoriju iza vrata.En: They entered the room behind the door.Hr: U njoj su bili stari satovi, gramofoni, a u kutu... kutija.En: Inside, there were old clocks, gramophones, and in the corner... a box.Hr: Petar je osjetio kako mu srce jače kuca.En: Petar felt his heart beat faster.Hr: Izvadio je mali, besprijekorno očuvan predmet.En: He pulled out a small, impeccably preserved object.Hr: "Ovo mora biti ono što tražim," pomislio je.En: "This must be what I'm looking for," he thought.Hr: No, zrakom se raširio jednolik zvuk cviljenja.En: But then a uniform creaking sound filled the air.Hr: Zidovi su počeli podrhtavati.En: The walls began to tremble.Hr: Ivana je viknula: "Brzo van!"En: Ivana shouted, "Quick, get out!"Hr: Trčali su, dok se iza njih skladište srušilo uz strašan tresak.En: They ran as the warehouse collapsed behind them with a terrifying crash.