Love and Friendship Shine at Dubrovnik's Memorable Wedding
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by

Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Love and Friendship Shine at Dubrovnik's Memorable Wedding Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Ivan je bio uzbuđen.En: Ivan was excited.Hr: Danas je velika fešta u Dubrovniku.En: Today was a big celebration in Dubrovnik.Hr: Tradicionalno vjenčanje njegove prijateljice Ane.En: The traditional wedding of his friend Ana.Hr: Sunce je sijalo, a more je bilo mirno.En: The sun was shining, and the sea was calm.Hr: Luka, njegov najbolji prijatelj, čekao ga je ispred crkve.En: Luka, his best friend, was waiting for him in front of the church.Hr: “Idemo, Ivan!” rekao je Luka veselo.En: “Let’s go, Ivan!” Luka said cheerfully.Hr: “Ane čeka.”En: “Ana is waiting.”Hr: Stigli su ispred stare crkve u starom dijelu Dubrovnika.En: They arrived in front of the old church in the historic part of Dubrovnik.Hr: Crkva je bila ukrašena cvijećem i svjetlima.En: The church was decorated with flowers and lights.Hr: Zvona su se čula u cijelom gradu.En: Bells could be heard throughout the city.Hr: Zrak je bio ispunjen mirisom lavande.En: The air was filled with the scent of lavender.Hr: Kako su ušli, vidjeli su Anu.En: As they entered, they saw Ana.Hr: Nosila je prekrasnu bijelu haljinu.En: She was wearing a beautiful white dress.Hr: Izgledala je kao princeza.En: She looked like a princess.Hr: Blistala je.En: She was radiant.Hr: “Prekrasna si,” rekao je Ivan s osmijehom.En: “You are beautiful,” Ivan said with a smile.Hr: Ana je pocrvenjela.En: Ana blushed.Hr: “Hvala vam, dragi prijatelji,” rekla je.En: “Thank you, dear friends,” she said.Hr: “Drago mi je što ste ovdje.”En: “I’m glad you are here.”Hr: Vjenčanje je bilo lijepo.En: The wedding was beautiful.Hr: Ljudi su se smijali, plakali i pjevali.En: People laughed, cried, and sang.Hr: Nakon ceremonije, svi su se uputili prema staroj gradskoj kavani na slavlje.En: After the ceremony, everyone headed to the old town café for the celebration.Hr: U kavani je bila živa glazba.En: There was live music in the café.Hr: Tamburaši su svirali, a ljudi su plesali.En: Tamburitza players were performing, and people were dancing.Hr: Hrana je bila odlična, a piće nije nedostajalo.En: The food was excellent, and drinks were plentiful.Hr: Svi su uživali.En: Everyone was having a great time.Hr: “Luka, možeš li vjerovati?” upitao je Ivan dok su zajedno plesali.En: “Luka, can you believe it?” Ivan asked as they danced together.Hr: “Naša Ana se udala.”En: “Our Ana got married.”Hr: “Znam, nevjerojatno,” odgovorio je Luka.En: “I know, unbelievable,” Luka replied.Hr: “Bit će to divna večer.”En: “It will be a wonderful evening.”Hr: Ali nije sve išlo glatko.En: But not everything went smoothly.Hr: Usred slavlja, nestalo je struje.En: In the middle of the celebration, the power went out.Hr: Mrak je prekrio kavanu.En: Darkness covered the café.Hr: Svi su se uspaničili.En: Everyone panicked.Hr: “Ne brinite,” rekao je Ivan hrabro.En: “Don’t worry,” Ivan said bravely.Hr: “Naći ćemo način da nastavimo.”En: “We’ll find a way to continue.”Hr: Uz pomoć svijeća,...