Love Misfire: A Tech Startup’s Chaotic Valentine's Day
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Love Misfire: A Tech Startup’s Chaotic Valentine's Day Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Luka je nervozno zurio u ekran.En: Luka was nervously staring at the screen.Hr: Svijetao sunčev zrak prodiralo je kroz velike prozore Startup Inkubatora u Zagrebu.En: Bright sunlight streamed through the large windows of the Startup Incubator in Zagreb.Hr: Na zaslonu je treperila poruka "Poruka poslana".En: The message "Message sent" flickered on the display.Hr: "Ne, ne, ne!" povikao je Luka. Prstima je čupao kosu.En: "No, no, no!" shouted Luka, pulling his hair with his fingers.Hr: Umjesto svojoj djevojci, slučajno je poslao ljubavno pismo cijeloj kompaniji.En: Instead of sending the love letter to his girlfriend, he accidentally sent it to the whole company.Hr: Ivan je čuo vikanje i pritrčao.En: Ivan heard the shouting and ran over.Hr: "Što se dogodilo, Luka?" pitao je, lagano se smješkajući.En: "What happened, Luka?" he asked, smiling slightly.Hr: Luka mu je pokazao monitor.En: Luka showed him the monitor.Hr: "Ajme, frajeru," rekao je Ivan, smijući se. "Ovo je hit!"En: "Oh man," Ivan said, laughing. "This is a hit!"Hr: "Nije smiješno! Trebam tvoju pomoć. Maja će znati što učiniti."En: "It's not funny! I need your help. Maja will know what to do."Hr: Maja je sjela na svoj uredski stolac, ozbiljna kao uvijek.En: Maja sat down in her office chair, serious as always.Hr: Kad joj je Luka objasnio situaciju, uzdahnula je.En: When Luka explained the situation to her, she sighed.Hr: "No dobro, imamo malo vremena. Trebamo plan."En: "Alright, we have little time. We need a plan."Hr: Luka, Ivan i Maja sjeli su za jedan od niskih stolova okruženih šarenim jastucima. Razmišljali su.En: Luka, Ivan, and Maja sat around one of the low tables surrounded by colorful pillows. They thought.Hr: "Prvo," rekla je Maja, "moramo skrenuti pozornost s emaila."En: "First," Maja said, "we need to distract everyone from the email."Hr: "Ideja!" Ivan zazvuči. "Organizirajmo hitan sastanak za sve."En: "I have an idea!" Ivan exclaimed. "Let's organize an emergency meeting for everyone."Hr: "Bravo, Ivane!" rekla je Maja. "Dok traje sastanak, Luka će pokušati povući email."En: "Brilliant, Ivan!" Maja said. "During the meeting, Luka will try to retract the email."Hr: Luka je brzo otišao do IT sobe. Stari prijatelj, Marko, sjedio je za računalom.En: Luka quickly went to the IT room. His old friend, Marko, was sitting at the computer.Hr: "Marko, trebam uslugu," reče Luka zadihano.En: "Marko, I need a favor," Luka said, out of breath.Hr: "Što sad?" pitao je Marko.En: "What now?" asked Marko.Hr: Luka mu je objasnio situaciju, a Marko se nasmijao.En: Luka explained the situation to him, and Marko laughed.Hr: "Uvijek nešto s tobom, Luka. U redu, pomoću tebi."En: "Always something with you, Luka. Alright, I'll help you."Hr: Marko je ušao u sustav kompanije i tražio način da povuče email.En: Marko logged into the company system and searched for a way to retract the email.Hr: Luka je nervozno gledao na sat.En: Luka nervously kept an eye on the clock.Hr: Maja i Ivan su privukli kolege na hitan sastanak, pričajući o izmišljenom "hitnom projektu".En: Maja and Ivan had gathered their colleagues for an emergency meeting,...