Magic in Dubrovnik: A Saint Blaise Day Celebration
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Magic in Dubrovnik: A Saint Blaise Day Celebration Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Dubrovnik u siječnju blista.En: Dubrovnik shines in January.Hr: Stara gradska jezgra već je puna ljudi.En: The old town center is already full of people.Hr: Ivana i Marko šetaju Stradunom.En: Ivana and Marko are walking on Stradun.Hr: To je velika proslava Svetog Vlaha.En: It is the grand celebration of Saint Blaise.Hr: Ivana i Marko su prijatelji od djetinjstva.En: Ivana and Marko have been friends since childhood.Hr: Ivana voli povijest.En: Ivana loves history.Hr: Marko voli more.En: Marko loves the sea.Hr: Stigle su zvončići na kuli.En: The bells on the tower have arrived.Hr: Crkvena zvona zvone.En: Church bells are ringing.Hr: "Ivana, pogledaj te zastave!En: "Ivana, look at those flags!"Hr: " vikne Marko.En: Marko shouts.Hr: Zastave s likom Svetog Vlaha vise iznad ulica.En: Flags with the image of Saint Blaise hang above the streets.Hr: Ljudi nose nošnje.En: People are wearing costumes.Hr: Djeca plešu kola.En: Children are dancing in circles.Hr: Ivana uzme Markovu ruku.En: Ivana takes Marko's hand.Hr: "Divno je ovdje, zar ne?En: "It's wonderful here, isn't it?"Hr: " kaže ona.En: she says.Hr: Da, divno je.En: Yes, it is wonderful.Hr: Marko se naginje prema morskoj obali.En: Marko leans towards the seaside.Hr: "Pogledaj, brodovi stižu!En: "Look, the boats are arriving!"Hr: " vikne.En: he shouts.Hr: Mali brodovi puni cvijeća dolaze u luku.En: Small boats full of flowers are coming into the harbor.Hr: Mornarice pjevaju pjesme.En: Sailors are singing songs.Hr: Marko i Ivana odluče ići na vrh kule.En: Marko and Ivana decide to go to the top of the tower.Hr: Penju se stubama pažljivo.En: They carefully climb the stairs.Hr: Kula je visoka.En: The tower is tall.Hr: Pogled je predivan.En: The view is beautiful.Hr: "Vidiš li cijeli Grad?En: "Can you see the entire city?"Hr: " pita Marko.En: Marko asks.Hr: "Da, sve se vidi jasno," odgovara Ivana.En: "Yes, everything is clear," Ivana replies.Hr: Grad je pun boja i glazbe.En: The city is full of colors and music.Hr: Navečer je veliki vatromet.En: In the evening, there is a grand firework display.Hr: Nebo je puno svjetla.En: The sky is full of light.Hr: Ivana osjeća sreću.En: Ivana feels happy.Hr: Marko je sretan.En: Marko is happy.Hr: Grad sjaji.En: The city shines.Hr: "Sretan je Sveti Vlaho!En: "Happy Saint Blaise's Day!"Hr: " kaže Marko.En: says Marko.Hr: "Sretan i nama," odgovara Ivana.En: "Happy to us as well," Ivana replies.Hr: Oni odluče vratiti se kući.En: They decide to return home.Hr: Šetaju sporo, uživaju u svakom trenutku.En: They walk slowly, enjoying every moment.Hr: Dubrovnik je magičan.En: Dubrovnik is magical.Hr: Fešta je završena, ali uspomene će ostati.En: The celebration is over, but the memories will remain.Hr: Ivana i Marko sada razumiju.En: Ivana and Marko now understand.Hr:...