Market Fiasco: Kicked Cabbages & Lessons Learned

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Market Fiasco: Kicked Cabbages & Lessons Learned Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Na sunčanoj tržnici Dolac u srcu Zagreba, život je uvijek bio pun vreve.En: At the sunny Dolac market in the heart of Zagreb, life has always been bustling.Hr: Povrće raznih boja krasilo je štandove, a smijeh i priče trgovaca ispunjavali su zrak.En: Colorful vegetables adorned the stalls, and the laughter and stories of the traders filled the air.Hr: Tog dana, Matej, mladić zdravih crta lica i raščupane kose, prošetao je tržnicom u potrazi za svežim sastojcima za ručak.En: On that day, Matej, a young man with strong features and tousled hair, strolled through the market in search of fresh ingredients for lunch.Hr: Matej je hodao između štandova, divio se raznobojnom cvijeću i slasnom voću, no ono što ga je naviše zanimalo bilo je povrće za savršenu juhu koju je planirao skuhati.En: Matej walked among the stalls, admired the colorful flowers and delicious fruit, but what interested him most was the vegetables for the perfect soup he planned to cook.Hr: Dok je prolazio kraj štanda gospođe Mare, ugledao je nešto zaista neobično - veliku glavicu kupusa koja je nekako izgledala kao nogometna lopta.En: As he passed by Mrs. Mare's stall, he saw something truly unusual - a large head of cabbage that somehow looked like a soccer ball.Hr: Matej je bio poznat po svojoj ljubavi prema nogometu.En: Matej was known for his love of soccer.Hr: Nemajući sreću da se igra u parku zbog obaveza, srce mu je zaigralo čim je ugledao kupus.En: Unable to play in the park due to other commitments, his heart skipped a beat when he saw the cabbage.Hr: Činilo mu se to kao dobra prilika za brzi udarac.En: It seemed like a good opportunity for a quick kick.Hr: Predomišljao se samo trenutak prije nego što je zadenuo glavicu kupusa nogom, misleći da je to lopta.En: He hesitated for just a moment before kicking the head of cabbage, thinking it was a ball.Hr: Kupus je poleteo kroz zrak, preskočio korpe s jabukama i kruškama, te pao ravno u kutiju sa svježim rajčicama.En: The cabbage flew through the air, skipped over baskets of apples and pears, and landed straight in a box of fresh tomatoes.Hr: Trgovci su zastali u šoku, a posjetitelji su se okrenuli kako bi vidjeli što se događa.En: The traders paused in shock, and the visitors turned to see what was happening.Hr: Matej je odjednom postao središte pažnje - ali ne na način na koji je htio.En: Suddenly, Matej became the center of attention - but not in the way he had wanted.Hr: Sveti Marak, stari prodavač ribe, promatrao je kaos s izrazom zabave i brige na licu.En: Sveti Marak, the old fishmonger, watched the chaos with an amused yet concerned expression on his face.Hr: Dok su neki trgovci vikali na Mateja, Sveti Marak je prišao mladiću.En: While some traders shouted at Matej, Sveti Marak approached the young man.Hr: “Hajde, momče, nije vrijeme za igru,” reče mu mirno.En: "Come on, lad, it's not the time for games," he said calmly.Hr: Grgur, vlasnik štanda s voćem, pridružio se njima, brundajući zbog nereda koji je Matej napravio.En: Grgur, the owner of the fruit stall, joined them, grumbling about the mess Matej had made.Hr: Grane se nakostriješile i okupilo se mnoštvo ljudi, spremno svjedočiti raspravi.En: Tempers flared, and a crowd gathered, ready to witness the argument.Hr: Matej je osjećao kako mu se...