Market Mayhem: A Tale of Fruits & Forgiveness

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Market Mayhem: A Tale of Fruits & Forgiveness Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Bilo je rano jutro kada je Ivan krenuo na lokalnu tržnicu.En: It was early morning when Ivan went to the local market.Hr: Dan je bio svjež i sunčan, a Ivan je htio kupiti najsvježije voće i povrće za svoju obitelj.En: The day was fresh and sunny, and Ivan wanted to buy the freshest fruits and vegetables for his family.Hr: Hodao je među šarenim štandovima i divio se raznolikosti ponude.En: He walked among the colorful stalls and admired the variety of offerings.Hr: Svugdje su bili veseli ljudi, a mirisi su bili jednako raznoliki kao i boje.En: Everywhere there were cheerful people, and the scents were as diverse as the colors.Hr: Kada je stigao do velikog štanda s voćem, Ivan je ugledao svoju prijateljicu, Anu.En: When he reached a large fruit stand, Ivan saw his friend Ana.Hr: Ona je brižno birala jabuke, isprobavajući njihovu čvrstoću i miris.En: She was carefully selecting apples, testing their firmness and smell.Hr: Ivan joj se htio pridružiti, ali dok je hodao prema njoj, nije primijetio vrećicu na putu.En: Ivan wanted to join her, but as he walked towards her, he didn't notice a bag on the ground.Hr: Spotaknuo se i pao na veliki izložbeni stol pun voća i povrća.En: He stumbled and fell onto a large display table full of fruits and vegetables.Hr: U sekundi je na tlu bilo jabuka, banana, rajčica i paprika.En: In seconds, there were apples, bananas, tomatoes, and peppers all over the floor.Hr: Ivan je ležao usred kaosa, a voće se kotrljalo po cijelom prostoru tržnice.En: Ivan lay in the midst of chaos, and fruits were rolling across the entire market space.Hr: Ana se brzo okrenula na zvuk lomljenja i svađe koja je nastala.En: Ana quickly turned at the sound of the commotion and the argument that ensued.Hr: "Ivane, jesi li u redu?En: "Ivan, are you okay?"Hr: " uzviknula je, pružajući mu ruku da mu pomogne ustati.En: she exclaimed, reaching out to help him get up.Hr: Ubrzo je naišao i Matej, vlasnik štanda.En: Soon, Matej, the owner of the stand, also arrived.Hr: Nije bio sretan.En: He was not happy.Hr: "Pogledaj ovu nered!En: "Look at this mess!Hr: Tko će to sada počistiti?En: Who will clean this up now?"Hr: " vikao je na Ivana.En: he shouted at Ivan.Hr: Ivan je bio crven od srama i izvinjavao se, ali to nije smirivalo Matejevu ljutnju.En: Ivan was red with embarrassment and apologizing, but it did not calm Matej's anger.Hr: Ana je tada mudro intervenirala.En: That's when Ana wisely intervened.Hr: "Matej, nemoj biti stroga prema njemu.En: "Matej, don't be too hard on him.Hr: To je bila nesreća, a Ivan će pomoći u čišćenju, zar ne, Ivane?En: It was an accident, and Ivan will help with the cleaning, won't you, Ivan?"Hr: " rekla je.En: she said.Hr: Ivan je brzo klimnuo glavom, iako se još uvijek osjećao krivim.En: Ivan quickly nodded, although he still felt guilty.Hr: Tako je, svi su se skupa uhvatili posla.En: So, everyone pitched in.Hr: Kupci i prodavači, privučeni bukom, pridružili su se da pomognu.En: Customers and vendors, drawn by the commotion, joined to help.Hr: Skupljali su razbacano voće i povrće, neki su donijeli metle i lopate, a radnici sa susjednih štandova...