Misidentified Star: A Dubrovnik Diary

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Misidentified Star: A Dubrovnik Diary Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/misidentified-star-a-dubrovnik-diary Story Transcript:Hr: Jednog sunčanog jutra, Ivana je stigla u Dubrovnik, grad prepun povijesti i tajni.En: One sunny morning, Ivana arrived in Dubrovnik, a city filled with history and secrets.Hr: Uzbuđena zbog svoje avanture, prošetala je starim kamenim ulicama, diveći se zidinama koje štucaju priče o prošlim vremenima.En: Excited for her adventure, she strolled through the old stone streets, admiring the walls that whispered stories of times past.Hr: Prolazeći pokraj mora, Ivana je ugledala čovjeka koji je popravljao ribarsku mrežu. Njegovo lice joj je bilo poznato, i srce joj je počelo brže kucati.En: As she passed by the sea, Ivana spotted a man repairing a fishing net. His face seemed familiar, and her heart began to beat faster.Hr: "Pa to je on!" pomislila je Ivana. "To mora biti Goran Višnjić, slavni glumac!"En: "That's him!" thought Ivana. "It must be Goran Višnjić, the famous actor!"Hr: Nije gubila vrijeme. Prišla je ribaru, osmijeh se širio njezinim licem.En: Without hesitation, she approached the fisherman with a wide smile on her face.Hr: "Dobar dan!" pozdravila je veselo. "Mogu li se slikati s vama? Obožavam vaš rad!"En: "Good day!" she greeted cheerfully. "May I take a picture with you? I admire your work!"Hr: Ribar, zbunjen ovom naglom pažnjom, odgovori zbunjeno: "Mmmm, naravno?"En: Confused by the sudden attention, the fisherman replied, "Umm, sure?"Hr: Ivana je brzo izvadila svoj mobitel i napravila selfie s ribarom, uvjerena da je upravo zabilježila trenutak sa svojim omiljenim glumcem.En: Quickly, Ivana took out her phone and snapped a selfie with the fisherman, convinced that she had just captured a moment with her favorite actor.Hr: "Vidite, ja sam rekla da ću ga sresti ovdje u Dubrovniku!" napisala je uz fotografiju.En: Overjoyed, she sent the picture to her friends with a message: "See, I told you I'd meet him here in Dubrovnik!"Hr: Ribar se samo nasmijao ne znajući što da kaže, dok su ljudi oko njih počeli šuškati i smijati se.En: The fisherman simply laughed, unsure of how to respond, while the people around them started whispering and chuckling.Hr: Nekoliko trenutaka kasnije, starac koji je prodavao ribu do njega ju je nježno pogledao i rekao: "Gospođice, moj Miho nije glumac, on je ribar, najbolji ribar u Dubrovniku!"En: A few moments later, an elderly man selling fish nearby gave Ivana a gentle look and said, "Miss, my Miho is not an actor; he's a fisherman, the best fisherman in Dubrovnik!"Hr: Ivana je u tom trenutku osjetila kako joj se lice crveni od zbunjenosti. Gledala je opet u ribara i sada je vidjela ono što nije vidjela prije: bore od sunca i soli, ruke jake i ožiljkaste od ribarskog konca.En: At that moment, Ivana felt her face flush with embarrassment. As she looked at the fisherman again, she now saw what she hadn't seen before: the sun- and salt-weathered lines on his face, his strong and scarred hands from handling fishing lines.Hr: Bilo je jasno da on nije Goran Višnjić.En: It was clear that he wasn't Goran Višnjić.Hr: "Oh, oprostite!" uzviknula je Ivana. "Izgledate mu toliko slično!"En: "Oh, I'm sorry!" Ivana exclaimed. "You really look like him!"Hr: Ribar Miho se nasmijao i poklonio joj veliku, svježu ribu, govoreći: "Evo, da se sjećate Dubrovnika i običnog ribara koji je na jedan dan bio slavan!"En: Fisherman Miho chuckled and presented her with a large, fresh fish, saying,...