Mix-Up at the Café: Laughs & Lattes
FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org

Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Mix-Up at the Café: Laughs & Lattes Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/mix-up-at-the-cafe-laughs-lattes Story Transcript:Hr: Bila je sunčana subotnja jutro kada su Ivan, Ana i Petra odlučili posjetiti popularnu kavanu "Café Terapija".En: It was a sunny Saturday morning when Ivan, Ana, and Petra decided to visit the popular café "Café Terapija."Hr: Ovo nije bila obična kavana, s njenim šarenim jastucima, stolovima od recikliranog drva i mirisom svježe pečenih kolača koje su se miješale s aromom kave.En: This was no ordinary café, with its colorful cushions, tables made of recycled wood, and the scent of freshly baked cakes mixing with the aroma of coffee.Hr: Ivan je bio poznat po tome što je uvijek izgubljen u mislima, Ana je imala oštro oko za detalje, a Petra je bila srce društva, uvijek spremna za šalu.En: Ivan was known for always being lost in thought, Ana had a sharp eye for detail, and Petra was the life of the party, always ready for a joke.Hr: Sjeli su za svoj omiljeni stol pokraj prozora i započeli pregledavati meni.En: They sat at their favorite table by the window and began to browse the menu.Hr: Ivanu se dopala nova kava na meniju zvana "Krema San".En: Ivan was drawn to a new coffee on the menu called "Krema San."Hr: Najavio je da će probati tu novu kavu, a Ana i Petra su se složile da je dobar izbor.En: He announced that he would try this new coffee, and Ana and Petra agreed it was a good choice.Hr: Ana je odabrala "Čokoladnu Fantaziju", a Petra "Espresso Energiju".En: Ana chose "Čokoladna Fantazija," and Petra chose "Espresso Energija."Hr: U isto vrijeme, nedaleko od njihovog stola, drugi gosti su također naručivali.En: At the same time, nearby their table, other guests were also placing their orders.Hr: Jedan gospodin je glasno rekao da želi "Krema San" bez šećera, dok je dama pokraj njega naručila "Čokoladnu Fantaziju" s ekstra čokoladom.En: A gentleman loudly requested a "Krema San" without sugar, while the lady next to him ordered "Čokoladna Fantazija" with extra chocolate.Hr: Konobar, koji je bio novi i još uvijek se privikavao na posao, zbunjeno je zapisivao narudžbe, pokušavajući istovremeno slušati i dvije grupe koje su bile blizu jedna drugoj.En: The waiter, who was new and still getting accustomed to the job, confusedly took down the orders, trying to listen to two groups near each other at the same time.Hr: Nakon nekoliko minuta čekanja, svi su primili svoje kave.En: After a few minutes of waiting, they all received their coffees.Hr: Međutim, nešto je bilo čudno.En: However, something was odd.Hr: Ivan je isprobao svoju "Krema San" i odmah napravio grimasu.En: Ivan tried his "Krema San" and immediately grimaced.Hr: "Ali ovo je, ovo je... bez šećera?" zbunjeno je izustio.En: "But this is, this is... without sugar?" he said in confusion.Hr: Ana je pak uzela gutljaj svoje "Čokoladne Fantazije" i gotovo zaključala lice.En: Ana, on the other hand, took a sip of her "Čokoladna Fantazija" and almost grimaced.Hr: "Ovo je prepuno čokolade!" požalila se.En: "This is full of chocolate!" she complained.Hr: Petra, koja je pila svoj "Espresso Energiju", nije se ni snašla jer joj je bila premirisna.En: Petra, who was drinking her "Espresso Energija," was taken aback by its strong scent.Hr: Svi su se pogledali shvativši što se dogodilo - konobar je zamijenio narudžbe!En: They all looked at each other, realizing what had happened - the waiter had mixed up the orders!